King's Business - 1929-08


August 1929

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Striking Stories o f God’s Workings GATHERED THIS MONTH FROM BIOLA WORKERS

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Jewish Department f N answer to prayer the clubs at the little mission building are now being well attended. The average attendance is approximately thirty. At these meet­ ings lectures illustrated with the stereopticon are given and the great truths of the Bible are taught the children. Of course the foundation is laid upon the Old Testament Scriptures and, according to the wisdom of the worker, these teachings are traced to their fulfillment in the New Testament. A very definite soul-winning program is carried out. The visitation work is likewise very encouraging. Dif­ ferent workers make calls in Jewish homes as they have opportunity and present the claims of Christ whenever possible. Christian literature, adapted to the Jewish need, is left wherever possible. Some very interesting inter­ views have been held and some definite work has been accomplished during the last month. The reports that come from some of those who have received the book, “The Eternal God Revealing Himself to Suffering Israel and to Lost Humanity,” are likewise very encouraging. One of the workers recently entered the business place of a man with whom he had dealt and to whom he gave a book. After reading, the man said to the worker that he had lent it to another Jewish man who read it and returned i t ; that he had let another one of his friends read it who would soon return i t ; and that he was going to let two other of his Jewish friends read it. He concluded his remarks by saying, “You see your book is making the rounds.” Another prominent retired business man was visited to whom a copy of the book had been given. He expressed his satisfaction with it and stated that a doctor friend of his was reading it and that he wished to have a conversation with the author. Pray that God may use the approximately 1,500 copies of this book which are now in the hands of Jews. Winning the Boys For Christ W HEN I first came to the Bible Institute,” states one of the men students, “I was afraid that I could not handle a group of boys. Because of that fear I was deprived, for a year and a half, of one of the greatest privileges which may be enjoyed by a young man attend­ ing the Bible Institute. “For the last four months I have had charge of a club, and it has been a real joy. Every Tuesday evening I have gone out to a home where there gather from fifteen to twenty boys from ten to sixteen years of age. They are a fine group—intelligent, active and alive. “The order of the meetings is something like this: First we have a story to grip their interest and hold their attention. Then we have a period of prayer. This is not left to the leader, but the boys themselves pray, one by one, asking God’s blessing upon the meeting, their homes, their friends, and their different interests. Sometimes the prayers are novel in the extreme, but they are just the speaking of a boy to God, and that is what counts.

“After a brief business session conducted by the presi­ dent of the club, we show slides of the Pilgrim’s Progress and seek to tell the story in as interesting a form as pos­ sible, bringing in illustrations from the Bible or from the daily lives of the boys. In this way we try to present the Gospel of salvation through simple faith in Jesus Christ, and we have had some interesting discussions about it. “After the last meeting before the club closed for the summer a fine-looking young fellow of about fifteen came to us and said, ‘I sure have learned a lot about the Bible from this club, and I enjoyed it too. I never knew much about the Bible before. Thank you.’ We wondered if this was his boyish way of saying that he had come to know Jesus Christ in a way he had never known Him be­ fore. Many of these lads have no other way of hearing about Him. Will you not pray that God may bless this ministry and, through it, lead many to know the salvation that is in Christ Jesus?” “Come! . . . I Will Give You Rest” S HE was just outside her own door, behaving very pe­ culiarly, when one of the neighbors, who was also a member of our Women’s Bible Study Club, which met just across the street, approached and inquired if she were ill. “No, I ’m not sick,” she replied, “I ’m drunk. And I know where I can get it.” The incident was reported to the hostess of our club, and she in turn called the Bible teacher to ask for prayer and later the Bible teacher called on the woman, to learn that she was in very deep trouble which she was trying to forget by the use of wine. Little by little the Bible teacher learned her story. The daughter of godly parents, her father a wealthy retired physician in England, her mother a woman full of good works among the poor, engaged to be married to a young physician, she had met and loved an American soldier, and married him without the knowledge of parents or fiance. Coming to America just before the birth of her boy, because the father wished him to be born an Amer­ ican citizen, she brought with her ten thousand dollars, given by her father, which the soldier husband promptly proceeded to spend on other women; and after the birth of the little girl, two years later, a legal separation was effected. By this time she had reached California and one of the beach towns, and she earned a living for herself and children by “crystal reading,” really supposing that it was the Holy Spirit who was directing her in this art, quoting 1 Cor. 12:10 as her authority. Six years ago she again married, and in the home of the second husband’s mother, at birthday and Christmas parties, she learned the use of wine, and later used it frequently when depressed. Just before we came in touch with her, her husband, troubled by the growing use of wine, but also troubled by the fact that another little one was to be added to the' family, handed her five dollars and told her he was leaving her for a week to teach her not to drink. The week had gone by, and he had not re- — o— -

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