King's Business - 1929-08

August 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

turned, and on this day she had again resorted to the hottle to help her forget. . ■ And so God began His work with this poor soul. The Bible teacher told her frankly that since she had never really received Christ as her Saviour, it was impossible that she was a Christian, and that the first thing need­ ful was to settle that all-important question. So deep was her grief, and so real her distress over the fact that she had nothing to feed her two children, we wondered a little whether her receiving of Him was genuine, and waited anxiously to see some fruit- The Bible Study Club took what money there was in their treasury for the relief of her immediate necessities; others contributed to pay the rent of a tiny cottage a little dis­ tant from the old home where evil neighbors were con­ stantly seeking to drag her into a life of shame as a means of support. A little help was secured for her from the Outdoor Welfare Relief of the county, and so day by day the woman and her children were cared for, and she gave evidence of the reality of her faith in the Lord. The Bible teacher tried to instruct her regard­ ing the sin of “crystal reading” and like practices, and on one occasion found that she had sent away a woman who would have paid her twenty dollars for a “reading,” be­ cause she knew it was not pleasing to the Lord; and she also learned that at that time there was not a morsel of food in the house for herself or children. It was just at that time, however, that God proved His faithfulness and sent her two dollars to tide her over until some gro­ ceries were sent to her, and later she secured some work cleaning house, though the task was rather severe for her frail physical condition. In the meantime communication has been established with the sister in the old home; and at this present writing, money is on the way to provide for the little family for the time being, with the promise of more to come until she shall be in a position to care for them herself; and the woman is happier today than in all her life before. A Worth While Work “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.” I AM glad to report that the blessing of the Lord has been upon us in the Shop Department this past month,” reports Mr. Stuchbery, the Superintendent, “ for we have had the privilege of holding sixty-eight meetings'in differ­ ent shops in Los Angeles, and have distributed around nine thousand tracts. Fifty-five persons have been dealt with about their relation to Jesus Christ; fifty-nine visits have been made in the hospitals and homes of men who have met with accidents and have been laid on beds of sickness. Seven souls have definitely accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. “One day recently we went into a shop at about five minutes to twelve, just before the whistle blew, and met one of our Ethiopian friends, a colored man who was preparing to eat his dinner. We shook his hand and asked him if he had his ticket for heaven. He replied that he hoped so. We said, ‘Don’t you know so?’ as we pressed him to make sure of his eternal salvation. We saw the tears running down his face and heard him say, ‘I will accept Jesus as my personal Saviour.’ “At five minutes to twelve, this man’s feet were pointed to the City of Destruction, and at about five min­ utes past twelve, he was headed for the Celestial City. “How wonderful it is that the Lord has people ready — o —

for us, like Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. In his chariot with the 53rd chapter of Isaiah open before him, and wanting somebody to explain the Scripture passage, the eunuch found the answer to his need.” —o— An Appreciation T HE following letter was received by the Euodia teacher after the principal of the school in which the class is held visited the class one afternoon: The few minutes I spent with your Club this afternoon proved very delightful and profitable. You girls are doipg a magnificent piece of work, and as your principal I am very proud of you. There is nothing that comes to my mind that bears such fine possibilities for. happiness and true good as just the type of society you are developing. The Christian spirit shown by your girls is genuine and their influence for good can become very far reaching. I commend it. Let the fragrance of your lives be sweet, and gentle, and noble! Yours for Euodia, Your Principal. ‘‘Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters” S HE was one of the most unlikely looking little speci­ mens for a Bible class that the teacher had ever seen as she came into a Junior High School Euodia five years ago. There seemed to be no real interest in anything of a spiritual nature ; and why she continued to come, week after week, was a question that often arose in the mind of the teacher. Finally she began to talk to the teacher and the more spiritual girls of the class, and there was much opportunity for personal work, but apparently without any success. Hours were spent with her, giving her Scripture and earnestly pleading with her to accept Christ and change her life. To all the pleading she turned a deaf ear and announced that she would take her chances and that she wasn’t at all sure that there was a heaven and that she was sure that there was no hell. She seriously doubted the Bible, she said. Much prayer went up for her—she was a subject for prayer for weeks in the Bible Women’s circle—but finally she was lost track of. Just recently, after five years of silence, a very earn­ est letter was received by the teacher from this same girl. She now is attending a college near Los Angeles. It was a heart-breaking little letter, telling of her five years of failure and sin and heartache. She said: “I tried my best to turn a deaf ear to all that you said about accepting Jesus Christ as my Saviour and I thought that I could manage my own life. I ’ve tried it for five years and I want you to know that they have been five years of a veritable hell on earth. I don’t remember much of what yqu told me about Jesus, I tried so hard not to listen, but if you will grant me another personal interview I ’ll prom­ ise you that I will listen with a vastly different spirit than I did then.” The interview was granted and the girl who had seemed to turn a deaf ear to everything that was said about Jesus was a very willing listener and professed to accept Him as her personal Saviour and as Lord of her life. It has been an encouragement to our hearts to real­ ize again that the Holy Spirit really follows those with whom we deal, and when we are absent from them or are forbidden access to their presence, He is there to brood over them and to take the Word that has been brought to their attention and make it echo in their hearts just when they need it most. We praise Him for His faithfulness and rejoice in the greatness of His power.

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