King's Business - 1929-08

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Boring From Below

A Whole Year for $1.00! The ILLUSTRATOR gives Sunday-school teachers the best! "Would not do without it for ten times its cost." W. H. Colgrove. Sample Copy free. THE ILLUSTRATOR. 158 Fifth Avenue, New York “ I EWELS” Selection of sh o rt in te re stin g sto ries from TH E KING’S BUSINESS F R E E Send us the nam es an d ad d resses of five (5) perso n s w ho you believe m ight be in ­ te re sted in Bible Study by Correspondence A nd we will m ail you a copy of th is b o o k ­ le t of choice p a ra g ra p h s from th is m ag a­ zine w ith o u t fu rth er obligations. Y our C h ristian friends will ap p reciate learning of th is m o st pro fitab le a n d in ­ expensive m ethod of Bible stu d y th ro u g h the p ro sp ectu s w hich we will be pleased to send them . A copy will also be sen t you w ith th is special prem ium offer. GET YOUR COPY TODAY Correspondence School Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles 536 So. H ope St., Los Angeles» Calif., U.S.A. in) C H U R C H F U R N IT U R E III__ Everything fo r Church and Sunday School »—. use. FromFactory to You. Finecatalogfree. JIM D eM o u lin Bros* 8C C o . 1 u 9 1151 South4thSt.,Greenville»Illinois IDll“ Languages Used in Preaching the Gospel in the Mission Fields of the Christian and Missionary Alliance N A T I V E L A N G U A G E S

Why He Goes to Prayer Meeting

Numerous regions in our West are at­ tacked by various species of termite, pop­ ularly called the white ant. This pest lives in the ground but makes its way through ingeniously constructed tunnels up into houses, where it burrows through furni­ ture, flooring, beams, all wooden objects, and eats out the inside, always preserving the exterior intact, so that no one knows of its ravages until the entire table or chair or beam or what not crumbles at a touch. When its tunnels meet some solid, like concrete, through which it cannot bore, it bends its tubes around it, often in the outer air, thus carrying its run­ ways to any desired object. Its engineers construct switchways through which lines of borers moving in opposite directions can pass each other. The termite colony is thoroughly organized, with kings, queens, soldiers, workers, chemists, and carpenters. The lazy and the sick are killed and eaten. Trees and shrubs are attacked as well as manufactured wooden products. The termites eat continuously all day and night. They constitute one of man’s most determined foes. In reading of these insects I am re­ minded of the present plague of infidelity which is doing so much to destroy the re­ ligious teachings of the past and the re­ ligious faith of the present. Like the termites, these infidel writers and teach­ ers—-yes, and preachers—work in secret. They bore up from below. They give no sign on the surface. They eat their way through the religious press, through the churches and the schools, and the first you know that they have been there at all, some young life collapses into the ruin of disbelief. War to the death on these termites of the truth!— Christian Endeavor World.

J. H. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tennes­ see, is known as one of the outstanding laymen of the country. He is a prayer­ meeting Christian, and he gives the fol­ lowing ten reasons for being found in his prayer meeting week after week: 1. I cannot stay away—because I love my brethren and the fellowship of the hour draws me there. 2. I cannot stay away—-because I feel the need of spiritual food. It’s too long between Sabbaths to do without food. 3. I cannot stay away—because my soul yearns for the worship of the sanc­ tuary. 4. I cannot stay away—because my burdens are unloaded there more com­ pletely than at any other time or place. 5. I cannot stay away—because poise and calmness of soul come to me there as at no other place. 6. I cannot stay away—because of the desperate need of confession and forgive­ ness that somehow seem easier in the sanctuary. 7. I cannot stay away—because there’s no other place on this earth that is such a haven of rest to tired body and soul. 8. I cannot stay away—because there I get new courage to go on. 9. I cannot stay away—because it is the best cure for despondency and discour­ agement. 10. I cannot stay away—because Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.” “I have given ten reasons. There are 990 other reasons just as strong, which space does not permit me to give.” — Watchman-Examiner.

4 ■ RAD IO K T B-j

M andarin Cantonese T ibetan *Salar-M oslem M iao Jap an ese *A nnam ese ♦Cambodian *Mois (Kheso) *Mois (Locninh) T hai (Laosian) V isayan ♦Subano *Moro (Joloano)

Y iddish A rabio Temne ♦K uranko ♦K issi ♦Meninka *Fula (F oula-Jalon) B am baran *M yeena-Fula ♦Sonhrai ♦Bobo (R ed) ♦Bobo (B lack) ♦Senou^o Kikongo *Campa Quichua Jib aro

T he B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles , C alif . m M ' Know The Bible Intimately

H arry P. H e r d m a n , Program Director and Announcer G ordon H ooker , Asst. Program Director and Accompanist

M arathi G u jerati P u sh tu H ebrew

R obert W. B u r n s , Technician

Wave Length 230.6 M.—Frequency 1300 k. c.

Schedule of Hours July 28 to September 13, 1929 (Pacific Time)

In addition to the above native languages, the following European languages are used in some Alliance mission fields: E nglish Spanish French Portuguese G erm an The following additional languages will be required to carry on work no„w being entered, or which the Board has voted to enter within one year, D. V .: Siam ese M alay *Dyak P ersian B aluchi (B robi) ♦T aureg ♦Gournso ♦Cashibo The French Indo-China field also hopes to add the following language groups within its sphere of service during one year: * N o t i 5: Those languages marked with a star (*) indicate tribes and language groups among whom #the Alliance missionaries and native Christians are (or will be), so far as is known, the only evangelical witnesses of the Gospel of Christ. W e invite your cooperation by prayer and gift. THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE West 44:h Street :: New York N. Y ♦Thos (Tonkin) ♦K ha (Tonkin) ♦Meo (Tonkin)

Daily (Except Saturday and Sunday) 8 :00 to 8 :15 a. m. Uncle Harry’s Bible Story. 8 :15 to 8 :45 a. m. Devotional Service. 8 :45 to 9 :15 a. m. Announcer’s Hour. 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. Radio Bible Course. 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. Book Message. 11:30: a. m. to 12:00 m. Visiting Pastor’s Radio Ministry. 12:00 noon. Daily Scripture Reading. SUNDAY 6 :00 to 7 :00 p. m. Radio Vesper Service. 8 :00 to 9 :00 p. m. Church of the Open Door. 9 :00 to 10:00 p. m. Old Hymns Hour. MONDAY 9 :45 to 10:30 a. m. Home-Folk Request Hour.

7 :00 to 10:00 p. m. Musical Programs. TUESDAY 9:45 to 10:00 a. m. (1st & 3rd) Studio Music. 9:45 to 10:00 a. m. (2nd & 4th) Spanish Bible Class. WEDNESDAY 9 :45 to 10:00 a. m. Music. THURSDAY 9:45 to 10:00 a. m. News of Christian Work in the World. FRIDAY 9:45 to 10:00 a. m. Music. 7 :00 to 8 :00 a. m. International Sunday School Lesson. 8 :00 to 10:00 p. m. Musical Programs.

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