King's Business - 1929-08


August 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

We face three propositions: There are mistakes in the Old Testament, but Jesus Christ did not know they were there. Therefore, modern scholarship knows more than Jesus Christ. Where is the man who will stand up and make the claim? Second: There are mistakes in the Old Testament, and Jesus Christ knew they were there, but He quoted from it and' indorsed it as the very Scripture of God. Therefore, modern scholarship is more honest than Jesus Christ! Among all these modern infidels, where is the man who will stand up and make the claim? There can be but one other

believe Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” . I read in a schoolbook, some time ago, that away back in the prehistoric past, there was a little piece of proto­ plasm that always wanted to be a man- True, there had never been" a man, but it wanted to be a man, just the same! It scratched a freckle that it saw on itself, for 40,000,000 years, and the freckle became an eye! Encour­ aged by the progress, it scratched a freckle on its other side, and it became an eye! To make a long story short,

the protoplasm became a man, and that is how men came to b e ! I submit that it is easier to be­ lieve that “God created man in His own image.” It is not difficult to believe that “in the beginning God cre­ ated the heaven and the earth.” The Bible does not say when the beginning was. The beginning may have been a million million years ago. If the professor wants to add another million, let him do it! “And the earth was desola­ tion and waste” (Jeremiah 4:23- 26). “Isaiah 24:1 and 45:18 clearly indicate that the earth had undergone a cataclysmic change, as the result of divine judgment. The face of the earth bears everywhere the marks of such a catastrophe” ( Scofield). The first creative act refers to the dateless past. The second and third creative acts were ani­ mal life and man. Between verses one and two, there is space for all the geologic ages. When the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, God was beginning the reconstruction of an earth that had been pass­ ing through judgment. When God creates, or makes, a thing, He creates, or makes, it perfect. He would violate His own nature, should He do other­ wise. He looks upon all that His hand creates and makes, and pro­ nounces it very good. He can­ not make an imperfect earth. He cannot create an imperfect man. He c r e a t e d “the Anointed Cherub that covereth,” and he

proposition: There are no mis­ takes in the Old Testament, and Jesus Christ is the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge! II. T, h e B ible I s A M iracle of S c ientific A ccuracy True science has not thrown a doubt upon a single Bible state­ ment. The definition of science in the Standard Dictionary i s : “Knowledge gained and veri­ fied by correct thinking and ex­ act observation.” I wish every schoolboy and every schoolgirl would write that definition in a fly-leaf of each schoolbook! A scientific statement is as capable of absolute demonstration as a mathematical proposition or a conclusion of logic. There is not an honest scientist in the world who believes that, according to knowledge g a i n e d by correct thinking and exact observation, the Genesis story, or any other statement of the Bible is a myth! There are scientists who have made great discoveries along some lines of truth, who have said some very foolish things about the Bible, that have betrayed their ignorance and oftentimes their viciousness. The fact that Bur­ bank pan develop a new kind of potato, does not make him an authority on matters spiritual. The fact that Edison is a wizard in electricity, does not keep him from speaking as a fool on Theology. Many who are experts in one line have

said and done some very silly things on other lines. The ex-president of a great university lectured at Corvallis, Oregon, for over two hours one night, and proved to his own satisfaction that there could not be another w a r! The next day Germany started for Paris, and began the worst war in history! It would not be out of place for the experts on pota­ toes, electricity, education, and the like, to sit for a little while at the feet of experts in Bible teaching! The men who have discovered some truth certainly ought not to be given credit for knowing all truth. There are many scholars who believe that the Bible is the Word of God. They have no occasion for shame! It is not difficult to

became a devil through his fall. He created man in His own image, and he became a sinner through his fall. He created the heaven and the earth, and the earth became desolation and waste. There is not an objection raised by the infidel scientists in the last nineteen centuries, that has not been fully answered by men as scholarly as the objectors. We should be careful not to accept that which is only a hypothesis, as “knowledge gained and verified by correct thinking and exact observation” ! But the Bible is not only scientific; it is a miracle of scientific accuracy. The human writers of the Bible were surrounded with all forms of vagaries in science. Who

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