BILF - GOLD Vendor Brochure (NP) Feb 2023

K ey Benefits

For m ore details on our sponsorship packages and awards please contact George Rickman at ; • An opportunity to shape brand awareness by sharing thought l eadership with other business innovation leaders • The ideal setting to meet like minds, network and forge long term connections • Get prepared for the next big thing - a nd help shape it • A unique opportunity to meet a pprox. 20 top-tier Business Leaders, CIOs/CISOs/CTOs from diverse sectors in a single convivial location • 24 hours in the company of key decision makers from financial services, banking, manufacturing, media, entertainment, retail, logistics, healthcare and other sectors • Participate in workshop discussions on the real issues of the day • Join in sharing and discussing digital transformation challenges, trends and potential business-impacting innovations Gain advance intelligence on tomorrow’s hottest and most likely business opportunities

Contact us for details on sponsoring our award program.

USA Tel: +1 408 805 1805 UK Tel: +44 7714 204 090

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