

There truly is no better home accessory for a quick spring pick-me-up than fresh flowers in your house. And one of the most recognized and loved flowers around the world is the tulip. A sure sign of spring, colourful tulips are readily available in stores, fresh from the greenhouse, beginning in mid-January and throughout the spring months. Tulip Tips With proper care, fresh tulips will generally last seven to ten days, whether they are store bought or cut fresh from your spring garden. Trim It is essential to trim a half inch off the stems with a sharp pair of clippers before placing them in a vase. Use cold, fresh water and be sure to make your cut on an angle for maximum water uptake. Feed Feed them by adding a penny, flower food or a little cane sugar to the water. Grow A wide mouth-vase will give them plenty of room to stretch out and grow. Tulips continue to grow in length after they are cut and will grow toward light. Place them out of direct sunlight to maximize their beautiful blooming life. Water Tulips are thirsty flowers and love fresh water, so be sure to give the stems a fresh cut and replace the water every other day.



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