Youth in the USA - Framework for Growing Up in the U.S.

Youth in the USA

seven to eighteen. Youth in the Girl Scouts participate in outdoor acti - vities, as well, and also have work - shops on first-aid training, arts, and more recently STEM competencies. Young people who are members of the Boy or Girl Scouts tend to be members throughout the entirety of their youth and have a lot of spirit around their participation in the or - ganizations. 4-H 4-H is an organization that works with youth throughout the United States through partnering with pub -

lic universities all over the country. This program works with youth in urban, rural, and suburban areas. Through this program, students receive mentorship and com - plete a project that is relevant to their interests. They also gain leadership experience. The priorities that 4-H encourages youth to address are community health in - equities, civil discourse, and advocating for equity and inclusion for all. Volunteer Opportunities for Post-Secondary Youth There are many organizations that youth participate in for volunteer work. These can include secular non-pro - fits, faith-based organizations, government volunteer programs and organizations that are more direct poli - tical advocacy. Youth can participate in volunteer activi - ties as an extracurricular activity and some students also take a gap year to do one to two years of volunteer work after high school. Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit that works in all fif - ty states in the United States, as well as in many other countries. This organization focuses primarily on promo - ting livable housing for people and has initiatives around home construction, making homes livable for the elder - ly, neighborhood revitalization, and disaster response. Students in either high school or college are able to start a student-led campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity . When they have organized a campus-chapter, they are able to set up volunteer opportunities in their local com - munities, educate their school and community on issues related to housing and the organization, help with fund - raising to support more housing in their local communi -

ty, and meet with community officials to discuss issues and legislation around housing. These chapters exist at high schools and universities all throughout the Uni - ted States and this organization has become very well- known and respected on issues of housing. American Red Cross The American Red Cross is a larger organization with chapters throughout the United States that focuses on disaster and crisis relief. This includes supporting disas - ter relief after hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires and other disasters, hosting opportunities for blood do - nation, health and safety courses, delivering internatio - nal aid, and supporting military families. The American Red Cross has also helped to support communities du - ring the COVID-19 pandemic. There are two ways that youth can engage with volunteer work at the American Red Cross . First, they can start or join a local Red Cross club within their school. Additionally, if they are in col - lege, they are able to intern with the American Red Cross . The opportunities for student volunteers can range from direct disaster relief work, to communications support, to fundraising. Humane Society The Humane Society is a national organization that focu - ses on animal welfare and sheltering. Youth must be six - teen years of age or older in order to volunteer with the Humane Society and there are several different types of programs in which they can participate. These include in - dividual service projects such as hosting a fundraiser or craft-making of toys for animals, as well as volunteering shifts for students entering their tenth grade year along with recent high school graduates. Student volunteers can care for animals that will soon be in new homes, help


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