General Information
Washington D. C.
New York City, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle English only 78.2 %, Spanish 13.4 %, Chinese 1.1 %, other 7.3 % (2017 est.)
Other large cities:
Spoken Languages:
Per Capita Income:
USD 62,600
Life Expectancy:
80,43 years
Population Growth Rate:
0,7 %
Administrative system:
Constitutional Federal Republic
Joseph R. Biden (2020-2024)
Protestant 46.5 %, Roman Catholic 20.8 %, Jewish 1.9 %, Church of Jesus Christ 1.6 %, other Christian 0.9 %, Muslim 0.9 %, Jehovah's Witness 0.8 %, Buddhist 0.7 %, Hindu 0.7 %, other 1.8 %, unaffiliated 22.8 %
The government is a constitutional federal republic with three branches of government. These branches in - clude:
Highest level of education of the population age 25 and older:
» » 8.9 % had less than a high school diploma or equiva - lent.
» » The executive branch for the president, their cabinet, and federal agencies
» » 27.9 % had high school graduate as their highest level of school completed.
» » The legislative branch which entails a bicameral Congress with the Senate (2 seats for each state for a total of 100 seats) and the House of representatives (435 seats based on population)
» » 14.9 % had completed some college but not a degree.
» » 10.5 % had an associate degree as their highest level of school completed.
» » The judicial branch for the Supreme Court and other federal courts.
» » 23.5 % had a bachelor’s degree as their highest degree.
» » 14.4 % had completed an advanced degree.
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