SOLAR TAKING ITS TURN IN THE SPOTLIGHT By Laura Jean Grant Photos Evan Ceretti

T here’s nothing quite like a gorgeous, sunny summer day in Prince Edward Island. Whether it’s a day at the beach, a round of golf with friends, or a visit to an Island attraction, having the sun shine just adds to the experience. But sunny days have an added bonus for a growing number of PEI homeowners who are turning to solar power. Nick Campbell, a resident of Cornwall, is one of them.

“To see the power that we’re producing right now makes a sunny day that much more enjoyable,” he said, noting that he is excited by the possibilities since having solar panels installed a few months ago. “We have a nearly directly south-facing roof so we’re a nearly ideal candidate for solar. We should be net zero this year, so we will generate so much in the summer that it should offset our use for the winter. We

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