“‘Community matters’ is a Pharmasave slogan, and we take that to heart here at Main Street Pharmasave,” says Creighan. “Our long-term employees have built up relationships with patients and customers over the years.” That special connection is a key part of the Pharmasave locations across the Island, which helps them stand out. “Having trust in your pharmacy, and trust in your pharmacist, is so important,” says Kowalchuk. “We are the health professional people tend to see the most. We are in your neighbourhood, so we treat you like neighbours, because you are.” Adds Broderick: “Being the most accessible part of a patient's healthcare team is not just an honour, it's also a responsibility. They may have ten minutes with a physician or nurse practitioner, but we see them on a much more regular basis. They rely on the pharmacist to explain why they are taking what they are taking. We also like to help coach them if they have an appointment coming up. Knowing what to ask can lead to less confusion about their conditions and treatment options. A more knowledgeable patient is usually a healthier one.” While there’s a lot to remember before your trip, Broderick says the best travel trip would be “to enjoy yourself, first, and second would be to be prepared and always have a plan before you pack. We can help with that!”

▲ (L-R) Wally Kowalchuk, Karen Creighan, Jonathan Broderick

Pharmasave Montague | 521 Main Street, Montague | 902.838.2561 Pharmasave Cornwall | 25 Meadowbank Road, Cornwall | 902.629.6870 Pharmasave Souris | 175 Main Street, Souris | 902.687.4104

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