NEW KIDS ON By Alana Lauren Photos Alana Belair, Story Thorburn
It’s the best time of the year at the #cutestplaceonearth! Island Hill Farm (IHF) is welcoming the new kids on the block, and they’re arriving in singles, twins, triplets and even quads. “We love spring on the farm, it brings such a feeling of renewal,” says Farmer Flory Sanderson. “With sixteen new kids and fourteen does still waiting to kid— it’s the busiest time of the year and we love every minute of it!” The kids need to be bottle fed four times a days for the first few months. “It takes about two hours to get everyone fed. The process includes bottle washing, making the formula and then actually feeding each kid,” says Flory. Everyone at IHF has a favourite. Flory’s daughter, Rebecca, named one of the new quads. Number 7 (her favourite number and the seventh kid to be born this spring). Farmer Flory also named one of the quads, Tina. Tina is also the mascot for the 2023 Canada Games, of which HIF is a sponsor. My personal favouriye is one of the new bucks named Sue, in honour of the Johnny Cash song A Boy Named Sue .
In addition to the kids, you will find bunnies and lambs have multiplied as well.
Farmer Flory invites everyone to come out to IHF for a unique experince bottle feeding one of the latest additions. The hours for bottle feeding from April to June are 8 am to 9 am, 12 pm to 1 pm and 4 pm to 5 pm. General admission is 10 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm. While you’re there, be sure to visit Flory’s Café for a special treat and the Shoppe to pick up IHF’s goat soap.
And remember, “Have a goat day!” says Farmer Flory.
52 SPRING 2022
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