Kuriosities is a handcrafted jewellery studio and gift shop located on beautiful historic Victoria Row, in the heart of downtown Charlottetown. According to owner and jewellery designer Kimberly McIntyre, the name of the business is inspired by a quote from her favourite book, Alice in Wonderland. “I wanted something that captured that moment of awe and wonder in the discovery of something new,” she says. With a professional background in e-commerce entrepreneurship (she’s been running e-commerce stores since 1999) and an educational background in writing (she completed a BA with Honours in Creative Writing and English Literature from Concordia University), McIntyre began her career as a jeweller by creating a line of Inspired by the Island KURIOSITIES JEWELLERY By Brianne Hogan Photos Courtesy of Kuriosities Jewellery & Rachelle Monique Photography Kuriosities owner and jewellery designer Kimberly McIntyre finds inspiration from love for her new collection.

Photo: Rachelle Monique Photography

96 SPRING 2022

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