By Lynne McKenna Photos Story Thorburn
Christmas Day is on its way, but Hearts and Flowers Florist in Charlottetown has been busy getting ready for the season since November. “T his year, as we once again plan, prepare and design fresh Christmas arrangements, we are especially excited to be able to feature more products from Prince Edward Island,” says Alan Preston, owner and operator. Having a magnificent focal point for your dining table is easily achieved when you make your selection at Hearts and Flowers. “Most of our centerpieces feature branches of white pine, balsam fir and cedar, all locally grown and harvested,” Alan says. “We have found that collecting these evergreens is best done in late November, after some deep frosts. The needles are set and last year’s growth will have turned yellow and fallen. Anyone who has a pine tree in their yard will know about the pine thatch created as last year’s needles fill their yard!”
Floral designer, Mary Langille
46 FALL 2022/WINTER 2023
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