Johns Creek: Celebrating 15 Years Of Service

Health & Fitness Newsletter by Johns Creek Physical Therapy

Health & Fitness


The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


OCTOBER 2, 2018 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CELEBRATING 15 YEARS OF SERVICE

This day is for you if you have a nagging ache or pain that just won’t go away, or something new that just came up. This invitation is for: * Any past patient, their family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers. * All present patients who have another problem that is currently not being treated. The free exam consists of a 30 minute one-on-one with Marc, Archana, or Mona. Call and book your appointment today as spaces are limited! Also you are invited to go to the link below for a special message from Marc. To schedule your appointment call 770-622-5344 today! A Day of Free Exams You Are Invited OCTOBER 2, 2018 8:00 am – 4:00 pm



Has it really been 15 years? Where has the time gone? I can remember putting together the treatment tables and buying the weight equipment right before I opened. Wow! 15 years already? I was talking with another PT about a year after I opened up and he asked me “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” I told him I just hoped I was still open! Well, I officially opened on September 29, 2003. My first three phone calls were all from my wife. “Has anyone called yet?” she asked. On day 3, our first patient came in! About 9 months later three people “returned” for additional care. I never thought about people coming back! I was so humbled by the fact I had earned their trust that they returned for something new. Over the years many of you have come back, and for that, I am extremely grateful! Recently, Sandy came back with a broken wrist. Not only have I treated Sandy several times before, I also took care of her husband a few years ago. The doctor did not want to do surgery on her wrist and she was not happy with the way things were going. During our initial interview she said something to me that I’ll never forget. She told me, “I didn’t know if PT will help me or not but if something can be done, I know you’re the one who can do it.” WOW!! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so humbled. All I can say is I’ve been extremely blessed. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to meet and treat great people like you. Many of you, like Sandy, have returned for additional treatment. I’ve had the privilege to treat members of your family, your friends, neighbors, and even your coworkers. There are so many success stories I could share but there’s not enough room on this newsletter.

But I do want to share this one: One of my fondest memories is working with a lady who had suffered a brain injury. Every week the doctors upgraded her prognosis from she may not live to she would never walk again. You should have seen the tears from her family when we walked 5 feet across the living room. You would have thought we set a world record at the Peachtree! We got her walking with a walker all over her house and it was amazing! I’m so fortunate that I get to do something I love every day. Helping you recover from an injury, a surgery, or even a simple ache or pain is so rewarding to me. So, in celebration of our 15 year anniversary I want to do something we’ve never done before. I’m going to offer you an opportunity to come in for a free exam. This offer is for you as a past patient, or for anyone you know. If you have something that’s bothering you, a nagging ache or pain that won’t go away, or a recent injury you’re just “watching” to see what it will do, please call our office and let me or one of our staff take a look at it for you. We’ll hold this event on Tuesday, October 2 only and it will be by appointment. I do expect us to fill up our spots. So if you need us, call our office and set up a time to come on in. And finally, I’ve recorded a special message of thanks for all you have done for me. You can see it by going to I can’t thank you enough for being part of the past 15 years! I certainly hope we have 15 more! In good health, Marc

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