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Centre for Research into Practice: Staff Research Summaries

Engaging parents through freeflowinfo


Helen Lewis, Russell Grigg, Cathryn Knight

How we did the research

What we wanted to find out

Interviews with parents and staff, along with surveys of parents and staff.

Does an app ( freeflowinfo ) designed to support parental engagement, do so? Are any improvements needed to the app?

What we found out

Freeflowinfo was particularly useful in certain situations: sharing work done at home during lockdown, or when children were not able to verbalise their learning, or in pupil referral units. Professor Janet Goodall


Freeflowinfo supports parental engagement with learning.

used with all ages Freeflowinfo seems to support pupil’s self-efficacy, due to the positive praise received from parents and teachers through the use of the app.


Freeflowinfo increases conversations between parents and children to improve well-being.


Why this matters

Parental engagement with learning is one of the best levers we have for supporting young people’s learning; many apps used for this purpose concentrate on parental involvement with the school, rather than with learning per se; freeflowinfo , however, seems to support parents’ engagement directly with the learning their children are undertaking.

Where to find out more

Professor Janet Goodall, Department for Education and Childhood Studies, Swansea University:

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