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Centre for Research into Practice: Staff Research Summaries

Animals in school


Helen Lewis, Russell Grigg, Cathryn Knight

How we did the research

What we wanted to find out

Using a questionnaire distributed through social media to 610 educators in 23 countries.

What sorts of animals can be found in schools and what do they do? Why are animals brought into school?

What we found out


A wide range of animals in school.

used with all ages Animals involved in all age ranges.

"A lot of schools seem to bring a staff pet in to school and declare it their school dog. This casual approach creates a risk both for the pupils and for the dog." One respondent's view



Used mainly to improve well-being.

Why this matters

Educators widely believe that animals can improve children's learning and well-being. But there is a need for high-quality, robust education and training.

Where to find out more

Dr Helen Lewis, Associate Professor, Swansea University:

Lewis, Helen; Grigg, Russell; and Knight, Cathryn (2022) "An International Survey of Animals in Schools: Exploring What Sorts of Schools Involve What Sorts of Animals, and Educators’ Rationales for These Practices," People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice: Vol. 5 : Iss. 1, Article 15. Available at:

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