Kid Scoop News—January 2025


Wrap up warm and go for a walk today. See how many different kinds of birds you can spot. National Bird Day Find a chore to do at home or ask a parent to allocate a chore. Give it an extra effort and see if you can accomplish something today. Work Harder Day For tonight’s movie, rent a movie with a winter theme. Make a big bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show. Family Movie Night Tick the box on each day when you have completed 20 minutes of reading. Children who develop a love of reading will become better students and build a better future.

It is said that no two snowakes are exactly alike, but on this page, all the snowakes are the same except for one. Can you nd it?

Choose something new to make or do this month. Start collecting the materials you’ll need for a new hobby. National Hobby Month Which is the most cluttered part of your room? Get containers together and organize the clutter, label the containers, and throw away or recycle unwanted pieces. Discuss frost today in class. What does it look like and feel like? How does it form? Or make a fruity frost treat at home by mixing different fruit juices and freezing them. What did you do this month to stay healthy? What will you carry forward to stay healthy next month? National Staying Healthy Month description of your favorite pie, what is in it, and why it is your favorite. National Pie Day Write a one paragraph

Chart how many hours of sleep you get per night. Between 10 and 11 should be your target. Festival of Sleep Day 30 minutes of walking can boost your brainpower. Start walking with some friends daily.

Write down three trivia questions and quiz your parents or friends. Then have them ask you three trivia questions. Trivia Day Why is milk important? Discuss the different ways you consume milk. What is your favorite milk product? Save up for something special! Start a jar or a piggy bank and put in change whenever you can. How many different “opposites” can you think of today? Make a list and add to it throughout the day. Opposite Day

Write out your list of 10 long-term goals for the New Year. New Year’s Day Fill five or six glasses with different amounts of water. Make a tune tapping them lightly with a wooden spoon.

Today would be a good day to write thank you letters for all your Christmas gifts.

Put together a family calendar for the entire year. Mark everyone’s birthday, school holidays, anniversaries, and special days.

National Thank You Month

Look through a page in the newspaper and find a word you do not understand. Look up the meaning in a dictionary.

Ben Franklin was born on this day in 1706. Discuss his accomplishments and inventions. Why are these important to us all today?

This is a day off school when you can serve your community. For ideas, visit . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Make a map today of your home and yard, as if you are looking down on it from above. Use color to show different elements. Lewis Carroll was born on this day in 1832. Make a drawing of one of the characters from Alice in Wonderland.

Sprint from one end of a basketball court to the other. How many times can you go back and forth in 10 minutes?

Help a parent make a big bowl of soup for dinner tonight.

Find a puzzle in Kid Scoop News and work with a friend to find the solution. National Puzzle Day Make a January scrapbook. Include photos of all the family and memorabilia from special events and excursions this month.

Jackie Robinson was born on this day in 1919. He was a great all-around sportsman. Participate in a sport today in honor of Jackie Robinson. Try to say as many nice things to people as possible today. National Compliment Day

National Soup Month

Get a group together. Choose a tune you all enjoy and play your kazoos together.

Invite some friends over or gather the family together for Family Game Night

Kazoo Day

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