Trust Walk Partner with a friend or family member to take a walk. One person closes their eyes or wears a blindfold. Holding hands, the person with open eyes takes their partner on a walk. At rst, the blindfolded person may feel a bit scared. But, if the open-eyed partner is very careful of their safety, they will start to trust. After a while, switch roles. Afterward, talk about how it felt to do the Trust Walk.
Trust is a building block to good friendships. Trust is believing a person will keep their promises.
Help Ben guide his blindfolded partner, Jacob, through the maze!
What Trust Looks Like
When a person is kind to you, especially when you’re having a rough day.
When you know a person will do what they said they were going to do.
When a person takes care of something you loan to them.
When you can believe what a person says to you.
Building Trust
Trust is something you don’t just have. It takes time to build trust. Each time someone keeps a promise, tells the truth, is kind to you, or is careful with your things, trust builds. It is like building a house. You start by building a foundation with bricks of trust. If you break a promise or tell a lie, the bricks fall down, and it is hard to build them back up. Unscramble the letters on these blocks to discover a key way to build trust. Standards Link: Language Arts: Spell grade-level words correctly.
© Vicki Whiting January 2025
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