Kid Scoop News—January 2025


Kid Scoop News believes that being active, preventing childhood obesity and eating healthy are all objectives we want to promote. Our Fit & Fun page will help you do just that. Join in and enjoy getting t and having fun!

Penguin Fitness

Balance Penguins don’t stand on just one foot very often, but pretend penguins can!

Iceberg Hop Pretend you are a penguin and hop like a penguin does from one chunk of (pretend) ice to another. Jump back and forth 20 times.

Tummy Time Penguins slide on their tummies to move across snow and ice. Try holding this pose for 10 seconds at a time. It’s not as easy as penguins make it seem!

Snow Angels Lie on the floor and make imaginary snow angels by moving your feet and flippers—er, um, arms!

A Healthy Penguin Snack Standards Link: Physical Education: Use a variety of basic and advanced movement forms. Cut beak shape or use carrot tip.

Insert carrot peak into olive center.

Use dab of cream cheese to attach olive head.

STUFF YOU’LL NEED: • Black olives

• String cheese • Cream cheese • Carrot • Adult helper

Cut one olive in half. Attach

to cheese body with dabs of cream cheese.

Here’s a fun treat for after school or parties! Work with an adult and see how many of these tasty penguins you can create!

Create feet by cutting carrot slices.

String cheese body

© Vicki Whiting January 2025

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