Kid Scoop News—January 2025


Today’s exciting match-up features the Number Crunchers vs. the Stupendous Sums! Use your math skills to solve these challenging brain teasers created by these two arithmetic-loving teams.

Help Stupendous Sums’, running back Common Denominator reach the end zone by moving horizontally or vertically only on even-numbered spaces on the field.

Take a close look at this picture of Number Cruncher quarterback Tim Tally. Find the following numbers hidden in this picture: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10.

2 16 8 14929731 3415 1 27 7 5945 724952 6 346618 14 51 38 65 82 63 40 8 761089967311 17 95 43 67 62 32 18 3 462866 4 9 61 21 30 91 57 15 77 83 3774 6 80445325 99 5 1937582294 36 18

How many stars can you find on this page? Can a friend find as many, or even more?

Whoops! These Stupendous Sums fans need your help. Use the code to reveal what their cheer card says.

A = E = H = L =

4 - 2 7 + 3 3 - 2 4 + 2

M = O = R =

9 - 2 5 + 4 2 + 2

Standards Link: Number Sense: Identify odd and even numbers.

S = T =

U = Y =

4 + 4 9 - 6

1 + 11 19 - 6

© Vicki Whiting January 2025

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