Baton Rouge Parents Magazine—January 2025

and then go over with a wet rag. 9. Vacuum out the vents/air ducts. If you have pets, this is a must. 10. Check your credit report, credit card statements, and online banking to avoid suspicious activities, unauthorized purchases, and extra fees. 11. Check fluids in the car and tire pressure every month to avoid an emergency. 12. Get your car washed, vacuum the floors, and remove anything that is no longer needed. 13. Make a note of all the repairs that need to be done. Schedule the ones you can’t do yourself, and do the ones you can. 14. Pull out the fridge, stove, washer, and dryer, and clean behind them. Vacuum the floor, dust appliances, and clean any spills on the side. 15. Go through the food in the pantry and refrigerator and check the dates. Don’t forget the spice cabinet. 16. Check the fire extinguisher. Check the gauge on the side and check the dates. 17. Pull the hair out of the drains. It’s a super gross job, yet super important. Grab needle nose pliers and start grabbing. 18. Check the salt level in the water softener if you have one. 19. Self-breast exam—Take a minute while you are standing in the shower. 20. Self-skin exam—When you get out of the shower, stand in front of the mirror, and check for new moles or other skin changes. 21. Check your utility bills. Take a moment to read the bill to look for new fees or higher rates. 22. Check your goals and revise. Remember those New Year’s resolutions? How are you doing? 23. Buy new toothbrushes, mascara, toilet brushes, kitchen sponges, anything that is a playground for bacteria. 24. Balance your budget. Check that you are on track and make adjustments for the next month if necessary. 25. Go through the kids’ closest. Does everything still fit? It’s a good time to check yours too. 26. Dust the blinds and window sills. Wash any draperies that might need it. 27. Empty out all backpacks, sports bags, and your purse. Throw out anything that doesn’t belong there. 28. Errand day. This is the day you go to the recycling center, Goodwill, make your returns, etc. 29. Date night. Not a chore, yet often overlooked in place of kid activities. 30. Girls night. The same goes for your friends. It is so important to catch up with friends or go shopping with your sisters. No men and no kids allowed.



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