Metrics Monthly | October 2020 | UK Edition

In the news IN-SYNC expands its financial offering to gig economy workers

London-based SaaS (software-as-a-service) provider, Q​ uotevine,​ has signed a three-year agreement with​self-employed finance specialist, ​IN-SYNC​Credit Services.

Quotevine will provide theground-break- ing van funder with ​Luca,​ their end-to- end, integrated loan and lease con- tract management platform. It will work in tandem with automated deci- sion-making software from technology company, ​LendingMetrics to stream- line IN-SYNC’s operations and ensure a smoother journey for its customers. IN-SYNC Credit Services provides pro- fessional courier drivers with a unique and flexible method of financing their vans, as well as supporting logistics SMEs in expanding their fleets. What sets IN-SYNC Credit Services apart is their understanding of the self-em- ployed market. This allows them to underwrite in a way that is not only entirely unique within the market, but means they are able to fund vehicles where others may not. Each year, the Group supports more than 43,000 oper-

atives with tax, VAT and payment servic- es, meaning their close relationship with self-employed people enabled them to notice a challenge that many SMEs in the logistics sector face: getting drivers into a vehicle. For SMEs, operating and managing a fleet of vehicles can be costly, but for self-employed drivers, it can be hard to get approved for finance based on their credit score alone. IN-SYNC Credit Services saw an oppor- tunity to solve this, and their vehicle funding proposition was born. To launch this new service, IN-SYNC have made use of Quotevine’s end-to-end contract management platform and LendingMetrics’ Auto Decision Plat- form (​ADP) , to deliver an innovative van financing solution which can be offered at scale to a rapidly expanding market. Quotevine adds value to this proposi-

tion through its full contract lifecycle management: from producing finance proposals to underwriting applications, everything can be managed from one place. By partnering for this particular contract, Quotevine and LendingMet- rics are providing IN-SYNC with an invaluable, future-proofed solution and ensuring they remain not only compet- itive, but also compliant as regulatory changes continue to be introduced. Philip Benké, Head of Business Devel- opment at Quotevine, said: ‘IN-SYNC has always had an innovative business model, involving flexible agreements tailored to its clients, and we were keen to offer a solution that could not only be moulded to its current needs, but also grow with it as it expands. By using Quotevine, IN-SYNC has access to a single system which encompasses all its account management needs.

06 | Metrics Monthly

October 2020 | UK Edition

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