King's Business - 1929-09

STUDIES IN THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS BY DR. JOHN C. PAGE A new and useful study o f this greatest o f all the epistles adapted for individual or class study. It is the imperative need of every believer to know the Epistle to the Romans.—L. S. Chafer. Three Propositions of Interest to Every Reader Proposition No. 1 TW O TR IA L SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 1.00 STUDIES IN THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS By DR. JOHN C. PAGE Proposition No. 2 FOUR TR IAL SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 2.00 Proposition No. 3 TW O TR IA L SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.00 THE GATES OF HADES By W . E. CLARK Dr. J. C. Page

We will add six months to your own subscription or you may send a trial subscription to a friend—

A Bible Study of the words of Jesus, “The Gates of Hell (Hades) shall not prevail against it” (His Church) (P ric e 50c P lus P o stag e)

M em ber of th e F acu lty of the Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles


(P ric e 30c plus P o stag e)

Trial Subscription Six Months Fifty Cents WHAT IS A K. B. BOOSTER? H e re ’s one from A lab am a: My hu sb an d a n d 1 feel w e could n o t get along in o u r w o rk w ith o u t y o u r w onderful m agazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS. W e have ben subscribing to thii m agazine fo r tw elve y ears. W e have given su b scrip ­ tions to num b ers of people. W e have placed th is m ag ­ azine in th e hom es of p ra ctic a lly all Sunday-school w orkers in o u r tow n. W e th a n k God fo r h aving this m agazine in o u r hom e. It has m ean t m o re to us th an we c an ev er hope to ex p ress.” W T 7 H N D L Y t h e Ï Y I N G ' S J D u s i n e s s • ; r, I • r. !» S e n d Y o u r S u b s c r i p t i o n s i n N o w ! D O O S T

TH E KING’S BUSINESS 536 So. H o p e Street, Los A ngeles, Calif.

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