King's Business - 1929-09

September 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B. u s i n e s s

8 H o m il e t ic a l H e l p s

* ------------------------------------------------- f SENTENCE SERMONS * ------------------------------------------------- 4 The most creative hours in a man’s life are when silence reigns about him. Happy is the man who sees the best in the worst. — o — To the soul with an ideal, difficulties are incentives. The essential and operative element in all fruitful activity is a deep and abiding rest. — o — “There is no surer path to spiritual de­ generacy than spiritual pride.” “Whatever feeds gross personal pride promotes a swift and deadly decay of moral fiber.” In God’s providence, He allows some of His children to be thrown out of their comfortable surroundings that they may learn absolute dependence upon Him. — o — Nothing but: grace can keep a gifted man from falling in love with his own head. The pastor’s preaching never makes anybody want any more religion than the pastor possesses. —o- Prayer Briefs Prayer, at its best, is the noblest, the sublimest, the most magnificent, and stu­ pendous act that any creature of God can perform on earth. — o — With:God, delays are not defeats. There are seasons in our lives when true prayer demands time, and place, and preparation, and solitude. The secret of effective supplication is a quiet faith. “Prayer is indispensable either to pri­ vate or public worship.” — o — “Prayer is the breath that fans the flame of faith.” “Prayer is the most neglected and abused art and duty of the modern church.”



Prayer Prayer is my speech to God— the language of my helplessness, the voice of my unholiness and the incense of my heart. It is the plea of the prisoner and the flight of the soul. Before it — the simplest p r ay e r—all the doors of heaven open and God’s ear comes close to the heart of His child .— A in slie .

A Healthy Church (Acts 11:19-30)

F Persecuted. V. 19. 1. “Ye shall be hated of all nations.” Matt. 10:22. “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Tim. 3 :12. II. Prevailing. Vs. 20, 21. 1. “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18. (a) “So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.” Acts 19:20. III. Prepared. Vs. 22, 23. 1. Prepared by the Spirit. Acts 1:8. 2. Prepared by Testings. Rom. S:3-5; Heb. 12:9, 10; 1 Pet. 4:1; 2 Tim. 2:3. 3. Instructed. Vs. 22, 23 ; 2 Tim. 2: 2; IS; 1 Pet. 3 :15. IV. Progressive. Vs. 24, 25. 1. “Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead.” Eph. 5:14. 2. “But grow in grace.” 2 Pet. 3:18. (a) Much people were added. V. 24; Acts 2:47. (b) They sought a leader. V. 25; Eph. 4:11. V. Prophesying. Vs. 27, 28. 1. Prophecy is the greatest of all gifts. 1 Cor. 14:1-5. 2. Prophecy edifieth the church. 1 Cor. 14 :4. 3. The word of prophecy is sure. 2 Pet. 1:19. (a) Take heed to it. 2 Pet. 1:19. (b) Do not neglect it. 1 Tim. 4:14. N o t e ‘The church that neglects the study of prophecy is soon out of har­ mony with the divine plan. VI. Providing. Vs. 29, 30. 1. This is the law of sowing and reap­ ing. Gal. 6 :7; Luke 6 :38. 2. If we withhold, there is nothing to reap. 2 Tim. 2:12. (a) “Except a corn of wheat fall in­ to the ground and die, it abideth alone.” John 12:24. (b) “Distribution was made to all.” Acts 4 :35. — A. D. Ellington.

2. By His Blood Atonement. 1:19. 3. By His Words. John 6:68. 4. By His Precious Promises. 1:4.

1 Pet.

2 Pet.

III. Preciousness Appropriated 1 . Through the Word of God. V. 2. 2. Through Priestly Service. V. 5. 3. Through Spiritual Sacrifice, cf. Rom. 12:1. V. 5; IV. Christ to the Unbeliever. 1 . A Stone of Stumbling. 2. A Rock of Offense. 3. The Judge. John 5 :22. Conclusion: The preciousness of Christ to the be­ liever is life, but to the unbeliever is death. 2 Cor. 2:15-17. —o— Four Elements of Salvation I n F irst T hessalonians , C hapter O ne I. Faith 1. Receiving the Gospel message an act of faith. a. Received in much affliction. b. Received in joy. II. Repentance 1. Turned to God from idols, a. Absolute change of life. III. Love 1. Love manifested in service, a. Working out our salvation. IV. Hope 1. Awaiting God’s Son from heaven. 2. Salvation to be revealed at the ap­ pearing of Jesus Christ. Cf. 1 Pet. 1:5-7.

-r-o— j The Preciousness of Christ 1 Pet. 2 :4, 7,

Preach 1 Cor. 11:26 A—What ?—Christ’s death.

I. Precious to God Well pleasing to God. Matt. 3:17. II. Made Precious to Believers. 1. By His Name. Heb. 1 :4.

B—When?—At the Lord’s Supper. C—How long?—Until He comes. D—Why?—Because it is the central truth of the Bible. — P . W . Penner.

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