King's Business - 1929-09

September 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

nificence. We look at their under side; but who shall describe the bright light that bathes their summits, and searches their valleys, and is reflected from every pinnacle of their expanse? Is not every drop drinking in health-giving qualities, which it will carry to the earth? O child of Godl If you could see your sorrows and troubles from the other side; if, in­ stead of looking up at them from earth, you would look down on them from the heavenly places where you sit w i t h Christ; if you knew how they are reflect­ ing, in prismatic beauty before the gaze of heaven, the bright light of Christ’s face—you would be content that they should cast their deep shadows over the mountain slopes of existence.. “Green pastures are before me, which yet I have not seen; Bright skies will soon be o’er me, where the dark clouds have been; My hope I cannot measure, my path of life is free; My Saviour hath my treasure, and He will walk with me.” —o— October 5— “Sow beside all waters" (Isa. 32:20). Never mind whereabouts your work is. Never mind whether it be visible or not. Never mind whether your name is asso­ ciated with it. You may never see the issues of your toils. You are working for eternity. If you cannot see results here in the hot working day, the cool evening hours are drawing near when you may rest from your labors, and then they will follow you. So do your duty, and trust God to give the seed you sow, “a body as it hath pleased Him.”— Alex. McLaren. —o— October 6— “Because thou hast put thy trust in Me" (Jer. 39:18). What will not trust do? It will draw out of God for us the most wonderful ex­ hibitions of His tender *and mighty pro­ visions on our behalf. Who can put a limit on what God will do for the man who trusts Him? Here was the whole city given up to bloodshed and fire. The utmost confusion prevailed. No quarter was shown to the hapless Jews, pursued from house to house, from street to street, by the brutal soldiery. Yet because Ebed-melech trusted in God, and because he evidenced his faith by his loving care for the prophet, he was not given into the hand of the men of whom he was afraid. Some who read these words may be greatly afraid. They dwell among lions, among men whose words are a sharp sword. But let them trust in the living God, and, in the meanwhile, go on each day ministering as well as they can to God’s Jeremiahs. It is not enough to let down ropes to help them; it is a great sign of the love of God to put some rags to keep the ropes from chafing the t e n d e r skin. When God comes to help us, He always combines the strong rope with the old clout. Let us resemble Him in this. Let us trust Him more. Too many resemble the stone-breaker who came into a vast estate, but was con­ tent to live in the lodge. When an old friend came to congratulate him, and see over the property, he said, “There 1 It is all in those parchments; but I have never been to see for myself what there is.” Let us possess our possessions, and learn how much God will do for those who trust Him.

October 2— “When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy , Father, which is in secret" (Matt. 6:6). This is faith’s stronghold; here she weapons herself for the daily conflict. Silence in that closet of prayer bespeaks death throughout all the house. When that door is suffered to rust on its hinges, and that chamber is deserted, then the heart-house is soon retaken by Satan, and evil spirits come in and dwell there.— Theodore Cuyler. _ o — October 3— “Apart" (Matt. 14:23). We all know there is a strange strength that is conceived in solitude. The noblest creatures of the field and the air are not gregarious. Crows go in flocks and wolves in packs, but the lion and eagle are solitaires. And so likewise man. In­ stance Copernicus pondering his great work for three and thirty years. Or New­ ton holding the idea of gravitation before his mind for nearly twenty years. There was no hurry, no haste, no forcing; just a slow maturing of power. John the Bap­ tist was a child of the wilderness. So were Moses and Daniel and Jeremiah............. The foremost prophets of the world learned their greatest lessons in solitude. . . . . It is in solitude that we catch the mystic notes that issue from the soul of things. It is deep down in the depths that religion works. By going apart one gets a bird’s-eye view of the field; we see things as a whole, we get a vision of the pic­ ture in its true perspective, but better still we get a vision of God. How vast the soul becomes when in the presence of the Infinite 1— Malcolm J. McLeod. October A—“Men see not the bright light which is in the clouds” (Job 37:21). The world owes much of its beauty to cloudland. The unchanging blue of the Italian sky hardly compensates for the changefulness and glory of the clouds. Clouds also are the cisterns of the rain. Earth would become a wilderness apart from their ministry. There are clouds in human life, shadowing, refreshing, and sometimes draping it in the blackness of night; but there is never a cloud without its bright light. “I do set my bow in the cloud.” If we could only see the clouds from the other side where they lie in bil­ lowy glory, bathed in the light they inter­ cept, like heaped ranges of Alps, we should be amazed at their splendid mag- WANTED 1,000 men and women to place our Bibles, Testaments and Religious Books in homes. Big profit. Full or spare time. JOIN HANDS WITH US. Write today for free information. Established over 40 years. W ILMORE BOOK AND BIBLE COMPANY Dept. 16, 443 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, III.

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