King's Business - 1929-09

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Assorted Pills Once the clumsy camel driver of a med­ ical missionary caused a lot of tabloid medicines to be thrown from the camel’s back and scattered over the sands. They were all mixed up, could not be separated, and so were left lying on the ground. But one of the quack native doctors gathered them up, and some years later the medical missionary called on him and found on a shelf a large bottle labeled “Assorted Pills.” “These,” said the native doctor, “are more sought than any of my drugs. I only give them to patients whose cases I do not understand.” This is a parable of Bible study. Too often we go to our Bibles as that native doctor went to his bottle of “Assorted Pilis.” What wonder that the Bible, used in that way, has no healing virtue for our souls. We need to pray with the psalmist, “Teach me Thy statutes,” and then by much reading and eager thinking, we must make it possible for the »Author of the Bible to teach us. It is a complete pharmacopoeia. It contains the cure for every ill. But it is not to be treated as a book of necromancy .—Amos R. Wells. A Heart of Compassion A cold heart will not go far in winning a lost soul to Christ. Great’ soul-win- ners have ever been men and women of real sympathy and compassion. The Lord Jesus loved His countrymen so deeply that He looked on the eager and ill-man­ nered crowd on the shore lands of Galilee as sheep without a shepherd. Dr. Jowett wrote of this theme: “I am amazed how easily I become cal­ lous. I am ashamed how small and un- sensitive is the surface I present to the needs and sorrows of the world. We can never heal the need we do not feel. Tear­ less hearts can never be heralds of the passion. We must pity if we would re­ deem. We must bleed if we would be min­ isters of the saving blood.”^l7'/ir Wes- Icyan Methodist. Compulsory Education in Turkey There are constantly recurring reports of Strange things that are going on in the far-away places of the earth. Some of us were only mildly interested when we learned that Turkey had adopted the Latin alphabet and that all State docu­ ments were to be written in the new lan­ guage. But now, having simplified the process of learning to read, Turkey is making war upon illiteracy. The edict has gone forth that every- illiterate between the ages of sixteen and forty must enter the national schools and learn enough to at least read and write simple messages by the end of the year 1929. The world has seen much of attempts to educate the masses, but this is the first time that any nation has. ever attempted within the short space of one year to blot out adult il­ literacy c¥-The Christian Sun.

Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

_ B I O P R O F I T S For lo u r C iiurcli O rgan iza tion G O T T S C H A L K ’S METAL SPONGE R IO .U . M X. OFF. cth e M odern Dish C lotK ' •—WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION—~ M ETAL SPON GE SA LES C O R P O R A T IO N DEPT A LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS P H lO tô COMMUNION CUPS G la sse s $1.00 D o zen . T ra y a n d 36 g lasses $6.50 u p . B e st

In order to introduce our LATEST MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING OR­ GANS,' either leatherette coh­ ered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $43.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.

SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, b y N ativ e E vangelists an d Bible W om en who are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $2100 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H . A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y., for free literatu re.

q u a lity C o lle c tio n and B read ' P la te s a t lo w p ric e s. S e n d fo r

T R IA L O U T F IT . W rite f o r fre e C a ta lo g . THOMAS COMMUNION CO.,Box 5 42.Uma,Ohlo

How a Christian Solved a Perplexing Money Problem The Problem A C H R I S T I A N woman, devoted H ’ [ A P P I L Y , this woman learned

The Solution

to the Bible, was anx­ ious to make a contri­ bution to the work of providing Bibles for others.

a b o u t the “annuity plan” of the Ameri­ can Bible Society. Satisfied t h a t this p l a n was absolutely

She knew that the American Bible Society was a distinguished agency

safe and that it would help the Bible cause, she sent a check for $500 (*)

in the work of trans­ lating, publishing and distributing the Bible. She knew that every year the Society dis­ tributed millions of copies of the Scrip tures in m a n y guages. S h e to help! But her income was modest. She c o u l d not give away any of h e r principal. H e r problem was to dis­ cover how to aid a n o t a b l e missionary agency without affect­ ing her income. lan- longed

to the American Bible Society and received an “a n n u i t y bond agreement” in which she was assured that she would r e c e i v e twice a year a speci­ fied sum as long as she lived. This woman now receives a regular arid reliable income as a result of her contribu­ tion to this great re­ ligious enterprise.

♦O thers have sen t as lit­ tle a s $100 an d as m uch a s $50,000 w ith equal s a t­ isfaction. Send, for the booklet “B IBLE S and BONDS” and learn how you too may befriend the Bible and assure yourself an income.

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY The Bible House Astor Place, New York, N. Y.

Gentlemen :

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