
Forestry issues for votes  gŏđŏ

The future of local forestry is on the mu- nicipal elections table in Eastern Ontario. Boisés Est, a regional group devoted to local forestry issues, wants to know what position council candidates in all the mu- nicipalities of Prescott-Russell will take on issues dealing with the need to both pro- tect and improve the regional forests and woodlands. “During the past years, the forest cover in Prescott-Russell and neighbouring counties has fallen well below 30 per cent,” stated Jean-Claude Havard, Boisés Est representa- tive in an open letter sent out to municipal candidates and local media. “This percen- tage is the minimum that Environment Ca- nada feels is necessary for a healthy forest cover which promotes biodiversity.” Boisés Est is also concerned that increased use of the practice of clearcutting further threatens the health of local woodlands to the point where they may become unsus- tainable. That would create risks not just for local forestry but also other economic efforts like recreational tourism which de- pend on the forest, and also community recreation needs. The regional conservation group noted that municipalities have had authority from the province since 2001 to pass local regu- lations regarding tree-cutting within their areas. In its candidates survey Boisés Est poses three questions. Will candidates, if elected to council, lob- by for a local bylaw that supports conser-

vation and protection of local woodlands and helps promote their recovery? Will can- didates lobby their own council for regula- tions aimed at recreating local forest cover that meets the Environment Canada stan- dard for sustainable growth? The last question asks if candidates would lobby their local council or their counties council to “take the necessary hard steps” to stop the destruction of the local forest cover and encourage reforestation work in partnership with other levels of govern- ment.

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