• Introduc)on
• Iden,fy licensee, alleged viola,on, applicable regulatory sec,ons, and hearing date and ,me • Background • Layout regulatory authority of TGRA • Gaming Ordinance • IGRA • Tribal-State Gaming Compact (if applicable) • Discussion • Descrip,ve statement of alleged viola,on • Usually contains informa,on from audit report or inves,ga,on • Order • Date and ,me of hearing • Scope of representa,on and who is required to aUend • TGRA’s limits on when to file a no,ce of appearance
Example: Notice and Order
Example: Notice and Order • You, Smith Gaming, LLC (“Smith Gaming”) , are hereby no,fied that the Office of the Gaming Commissioner (“OGC”) has preliminarily determined that you have violated the gaming laws and regula,ons of the Na,on by shipping, installing, and maintaining unapproved games at the Gaming Opera,on. Smith Gaming’s failure to comply with the legal requirements for gaming devices poses a threat to the effec,ve regula,on of gaming and creates or enhances the danger of unsuitable, unfair, or illegal prac,ces, methods, or ac,vi,es in the opera,on of gaming. • You have demonstrated through such conduct that you are unsuitable for con,nued licensure by the OGC in accordance with the standards contained in Sec,on 3.3 of the Gaming Ordinance (“Ordinance”). Accordingly, the OGC will conduct a hearing on March 16, 2020, at 2:00 pm to permit you the opportunity to show cause why the OGC should not deny your applica,on for license renewal.
• It is, therefore, ORDERED that Smith Gaming shall appear at a hearing before the OGC on March 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm, to show cause why its applicaDon for license renewal should not be denied.
• IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a representaDve of Smith Gaming must aLend the hearing personally, even if represented by an aLorney. If represented by an aLorney, all subsequent communicaDons with the OGC must be conducted between Smith Gaming’s aLorney and counsel for the OGC. • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, in order to avail itself of the opportunity to be heard and to present evidence at a hearing in this proceeding, Smith Gaming, in person or by an aLorney, shall file with the OGC within ten (10) days of the service of this NoDce and Order, a wriLen appearance staDng that it will appear at the hearing and present evidence on the issues specified above.
• IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, failure to file a Dmely noDce of appearance shall consDtute a waiver of your right to an oral hearing in the determinaDon of this maLer and an order of license revocaDon shall be entered against you.
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