11141622 - MY Level III Training Material


Internal Business Threats • A lot of attention is given to external threats that businesses face through identification, authentication, encryption and a variety of software and hardware security systems. Yet, little attention is directed towards internal threats that can easily become real threats to an organization.

What are the different types of threats?


Untrustworthy Employees

Internal threats are one of the biggest threats to a casino. • Employees that have direct access to Casino data, systems and hardware, the possibility of dealing with internal the: cases that involve data and even equipment should never be taken lightly. • Untrustworthy or disgruntled employees are, par>cularly a great risk. You can mi>gate such risks by installing security systems (wriAen and physical) that includes surveillance camera systems that help you monitor your employees at important areas like point-of-sale loca>ons, safes, server rooms, or stockrooms. • When combined with other business security systems that control and manage access to privileged creden>als or data , surveillance systems can help you increase your threat detec8on leve l. Consider implemen>ng security protocols and set up infrastructure to monitor, track, log and record anything that happens within and outside the business premises, to stay on top of both internal and external security threats.



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