King's Business - 1929-11


November 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

H om ilet ical H e l p s ( FOR PREACHERS AND TEACHERS

“The P a th of th e Shining Light” (Prov. 4:18) The path of truth.—Psa. 25:10; John 17:17. The path of purityft-Matt. 5 :8. The path of love.—John 13:34; 15:10. The path of peace.—John 14:27. • The path of joy.—John 15:11. . The path of light.—Psa. 27:1. The path to heaven.—Rev. 21:23. “Walk in the light, as He is in the light.”—1 John 1:7. “Walk in the light, and thou shalt know That fellowship of love His Spirit only can bestow, Who reigns in light above.” . -—■The Life of Faith. *»---------------- ------ ------- --------- —------ | | S E N T E N C E S E R MO N S * ------- i ----------— ■ .............. ;------------- A “Wisdom charms, growth in knowledge fascinates, but searching and finding truth is the supreme endeavor.” — o — One great need of the hour is “to move out of the spectacular of living to the quietness of truth.” —o— “Use the faith that you have and you will get spiritual help and power.” —o— “To will what God wills is simple obedience.” —o— “Affectation of wisdom often prevents us from becoming wise-.” The cross is the source of spiritual health. :—o— “The cross is the secret of power, and the pledge of victory.” “Our dominant thought regulates our activities.” —o— “There are times when the strongest need the encouragement of the weakest.” —o— “A man without enthusiasm is like a car without gasoline.” —o— “No man ever made an excuse that fooled God.” —o— “The voice of experience seldom stoops to flattery.”

READY BIBLE OUTLINES f, ----------------|---------------------------------- 4 When God Answers Prayer “Then shalt thou call, and Jehovah will answer." Isa. 58:9. Introduction : Answers to P r a y e r —ç Conditional. The word “then” implies that we are not to call until certain conditions have been fulfilled. a. Selfish pleasures. V. 3; cf. Jas. 4:3. b. Oppression of laborer. V. 3, R. V. M. c. Selfish ambitions. V. 4. 2. False humility a. Sham afflictions of soul. V. 5. b. Meaningless use of sackcloth and ashes. V. 5. II. Conditions to be Fulfilled 1. Loose thé bands of wickedness. V. 6. 2. Let the oppressed go free. V. 6. 3. Deal bread to the hungry. V. 7. 4. Shelter the poor. V. 7. 5. Clothe the naked. V. 7. 6. Be in readiness to serve our fellow man. III. The Certainty of the Answer “Then”—the conditions being fulfilled. “Shalt thou call”—A call of faith. Jehovah will answer. God is faithful to His promises. Heb. 10:23. — o — Stewards Of th e Mysteries Of God 1 Cor. 4:1-5. Introduction : There is an attraction about the myste­ rious that draws men. For that reason secret societies are very popular. We, as preachers of the Word, do not make enough of the great mysteries of God. I. Stewards. Managers of the Affairs of God. 1. A steward is a servant. 2. He must be faithful. Vs. 2, 4; cf. Luke 16:10. 3. He must give an account. Luke 16:2. II. Mysteries. Derived from a word meaning to shut the mouth—an im­ posed silence. Cf. Matt. 17:9. 1. It is something that may be known and is made known by the obedience of faith. Rom. 16:25-26; Cf. Matt. 13:11. 2. Known to those on the inside. Matt. 13 :ll. I. Why Prayer is not Answered 1. Wrong principle in fasting

A Safe Rule “Take this rule—whatever im­ pairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God or takes the relish off spiritual things, that thing is sin to you however innocent it may be in.itself. " If you would be free from fears and d o u b t s concerning your future happiness, commit your soul to Jesus Christ in a full faith in His power and will to save you. If. you do this se­ riously and constantly, He will take you under His conduct, He will guide you by His Holy Spirit into the way o f truth and give you strength to walk in it. He will dispose of the events of God’s providence to your spir­ itual advantage and at last re­ ceive you to Himself."

3. Barriers that keen men from know­ ing these mysteries. Matt. 13:15. ( 1) Hardened heart—unbelief. (2) Dull hearing—not heeding the truth revealed. (3) Eyes closed—refusing the light. 4. God’s Mysteries. (1) The working of God’s Word in the human heart. Matt. 13. (2) Salvation is by grace and is open to all. Rom. 11. (3) Resurrection. 1 Cor. 15:51. (4) God’s Will. Eph. 1:9. (5) Christ’s lové for the Church. Eph. 5. I. Preparation for Service 1. Watchfulness in prayer. 2. Humbleness of mind. , II. Love in Serving 1. A fervent love is the controlling power in service. 2. It is manifested by (1) Forgiving one another. V. 8. (2) Being hospitable. V. 9. (A social service.) (3) Edifying one another. V. 10. (A spiritual service.) III. Purpose in Service That God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. IV. The Immediate Urge in Service -1. ■“The end of all things is at hand.” V. 7. Be .ready, for we know not when j the .Lord shall come. (6) Christ in us. Col. 1 :27. (7) Godliness. 1 Tim. 3 :16. —o— Serving One Another 1 Pet. 4:7-11.

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