King's Business - 1929-11


November 1929.

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

I make in obedience to what I believe are the promptings of Thy Spirit, and I make it because of what Jesus Christ has suf-, fered and done for me.” 226 pages, 9 x 5$4 inches. Illustrated. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. Price $2.50. *


Out of th e Storm B y M arcia M ac D onald

Handfuls on Purpose B y J ames S m ith

evangelical note is sounded out by such worthy successors as Dr. J. Stuart Hol­ den, Dr. W. Graham Scroggie, Rev. J. Russell Howden, and Rev. John Mac- beath. The annual report of the conven­ tion of 1929 is now available. Published by Pickering & Inglis. Paper, $1.25. Cloth, $2.00. —o— Between th e Desert and the Sea B y I. L ilias T rotter The gifted author gives us in this vol­ ume a glimpse into the life of Algeria and Tunisia, “this land framed in between the gold of the desert and .the azure of the sea,” this land ,of Moslem dominance only twenty-eight hours from Marseilles. In order that we may see more clearly, she has given us many beautifully colored sketches of the land and its inhabitants. She reveals some of the “lighter shad­ ows” of the life of the people, especially of the women; but even these are dark enough to make the reader long that the light of the glorious Gospel might pene­ trate here and scatter the night. Pub­ lished by Marshall, Morgan and Scott, Ltd. 8 x 11 l/ i inches. Price $3,00. —o— Charles Inwood—His M inistry and Its Secret By His Son-in-law. A rchibald M. H ay , M. A. A Sympathetic and Intimate Biography The study of this biography cannot but have a most wholesome effect. Dr. In­ wood was truly a man of God, who was used to lead scores of Christians into the deeper experience of Spirit-filled life and to win many unsaved Ones to Christ throughout the world. His influence in foreign lands was very great, as is shown by the following excerpt from the book: “A student in Egypt at the timé of one of Dr. Inwood’s visits to that country, now a pastor himself exercising a revival ministry amongst Egyptians and mission­ aries, writes: ‘The influence of this visit was even greater than that of his previous one, and the name of Inwood in conse­ quence became greatly beloved, so much so that a well-known lady said to me, “Whenever his name is mentioned amongst the Egyptians it is as though the name of a close and well-tried friend had been repeated.” ’ ” Something of the secret of Dr. Inwood’s power may. be seen in the prayer of con­ secration which he offered near the close of his ministry: “O Lord God, I place myself afresh at Thy disposal. If Thou wilt restore me to health and strength I will spend the rest of my life in foreign missionary work shouldest Thou require me so to do. I will make no stipulations or reservations, but go where Thou biddest, to do such work as Thou didst permit me to do in China, India, and Egypt This covenant

A clean-flavored, wholesome, romantic story for girls. Inspiring, bracing, ab­ sorbingly interesting and so full of hu­ man common sense that you will live it as you read it. Gail’s life has been saved on a sinking ship. Then the young man who was responsible for her rescue was later rescued by Gail, when he was tossed up, unconscious, by the waves. Gladly she nursed him back to health; then, her duty done, she goes to the city to earn her living. Friendless, homeless, lonely, she wanders the streets seeking w o rk - little anticipating the great surprise and joy that were soon to follow. A splendid gift book for girls and young women. Illustrated. 274 pages. 7^4 x 5 inches. Lippincott. Cloth. Price $1.75. Postage 13 cents. —o— The Law of th e Offerings B y A. J ukes _A wonderfully interesting and informa­ tive volume on the Levitical offerings, considered in relation to the offering of Christ. The principle oh which the author has interpreted the varieties of the offer­ ings is that they represent different as­ pects or apprehensions of Christ’s one of­ fering—the different offerings giving dif­ ferent aspects of His offering, and the different grades the various apprehen­ sions of some one aspect. This is an excellent book for Bible students and for every Christian library. 212 pages. 7% x 5 inches. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth $1.25. Postage 13 cents. —o— The Necessity of Prayer B y E dward M. B ounds , D.D. No true Christian would question the necessity of prayer, but the reader of this book will receive a new revelation of the necessary principles of really effectual praying. “Prayer and Faith,” “Prayer and Trust,” “Prayer and Desire,” “Prayer and Fervency,” “Prayer and Character and Conduct,” “Prayer and Obedience,” “Prayer and the Word of God,” are Some of the suggestive chapter headings: Thè book should be read by those who desire to enter into a deeper prayer life and who feel with the author that “God’s promises are altogether too large to be mastered by desultory praying. When we examine our­ selves, all too often, we discover that our praying does not rise to the demands of the situation; is so limited that it is little more than a mere oasis amid the waste and desert of the world’s sin.” Published by Revell Co. Price- $1.25. Postage 13c. —o— The B reath of Revival B y O.lR. P almer A pamphlet on the separated life pub­ lished by Harris & Partridge, Inc. Pricfe 20 cents. , . Ì

Pastor Smith’s “Outlines” are so well known and have been proved so very suggestive and helpful to many, that they need no special commendation. Volume X of “Handfuls on Purpose” has now ap­ peared. The Old Testament studies are from the Minor Prophets. The New Testament series are from the Pauline Epistles, except Romans. There are added some valuable Bible readings and Gospel outlines covering a variety of demands. 292 pages. 8j4 x 5 inches. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.75. — o — Quiet Talks on How to Pray B y S. D. G ordon This book is one for any and every Christian—the preacher, the teacher, the scholar, the layman. Its clear and simple setting-forth of what prayer really means, appeals to the intelligence and at the same time reaches the heart. There is a distinct­ ness of quality, a forcefulness of appeal, a directness of approach, and a fervor of faith about S. D. Gordon’s writings that affixes the stamp of the unusual to them. More than a million and a half of his famous “Quiet Talks” books have been sold. This new book on prayer is rich in incidents drawn from real life, per­ sonally known and authenticated by the author. 192 pages. 7J4 x 4-54 inches. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.25. Postage 13c. Bible students will welcome the new and revised edition of the Chain Reference Bible which has just been issued. In ad­ dition to the well-known helps, such as the text cyclopedia, chain 'reference system, expository verse analysis, etc., there are many features of great value, including the following: Outline studies of the Bible period contrasted with secular his­ tory, analysis of the books of the Bible and of the chapters of the New Testa­ ment, a numerical reference system in the New Testament enabling the student to turn from the text to the desired infor­ mation in the helps, analysis of the promi­ nent Old and New Testament characters, etc. Published by the B. B. Kirkbride Bible Company. The Keswick Convention Report—1929 P ublished by A uthority of th e C ouncil The Keswick Convention continues to give out the same message and to follow the same methods as at the beginning of its history. Not a few of the honored leaders of the earlier days are gone, among them Dr. F. B. Meyer, Charles Inwood, Dr. Eugene Stock, Archbishop Lees and Mr, Albert Head. But a strong :— 0 — Chain Reference Bible E dited by F rank C. T hompson , D. D. Ph. D.

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