King's Business - 1929-11


November 1929

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

from the exquisite coloring and beautiful grain. Equally striking were some beams of mahogany taken from a bark which •sailed the seas sixty years ago. The years and the traffic had contracted the pores and deepened the color, until it looked as superb in its chromatic intensity as an antique Chinese vase. It was made into a cabinet, and has today a place of honor in the drawing-room of a wealthy New York family. So there is a vast difference between the quality of old people who have lived flabby, self-indulgent, useless lives and the fiber of those who have sailed all seas and carried all cargoes as the servants of God and the helpers of their fellow men. Not only the wrenching and straining of life but also something of the sweetness of the cargoes carried, gets into the very pores and fiber of character.— Louis A l­ bert Banks. —o— November 12 —“And the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven well favored and fat kine . '. . and the thin ears szmllowed up the seven rank and full ears” (Gen. 41:4-7). There is a warning for us in that dream, just as it stands: It is possible for the best years of our life, the best ex­ periences, the best victories won, the best service rendered, to be swallowed up by times of failure, defeat, dishonor, useless­ ness in the kingdom. Some men’s lives of rare promise and rare achievement have ended so. It is awful to think of, but it is true. Yet it is never necessary. S. D. Gordon has said that the only as­ surance of safety against this tragedy is “fresh touch with God,” daily, hourly. The blessed, fruitful, victorious expe­ riences of yesterday are not only of no value to me today, but they, will actually be eaten up or reversed by today’s fail­ ures, unless they serve as incentives to still better, richer experiences today. “Fresh touch with God,” by abiding in Christ, alone will keep the lean kine and the ill-favored grain out of my life.— Messages for the Morning Watch. —o— November 13— "Now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be” (1 John 3:2). We are the sons of God. We are not merely called and even legally declared, but actually are sons of God by receiving the life and nature of God; not only in His human nature, but still more in His divine relationship. Therefore, “He is not ashamed to call them [us] brethren.” He gives us that which entitles us to that right, and makes us worthy of it. He does not introduce us into a posi­ tion for which we are uneducated and un­ fitted, but He gives us a nature worthy of our glorious standing; and as He shall look upon us in our complete and glo­ rious exaltation, reflecting His own like­ ness and shining in His Father’s glory, He shall have no cause to be ashamed of us. Even now He is pleased to acknowledge It need Hot be said that to carry out conviction into action is a costly sacrifice. It may make necessary renunciations and separations which leave one to feel a strange sense both of deprivation and loneliness. But he who will fly, as an eagle does, into the higher levels where cloudless day abides, and live in the sun­ shine of God, must be content to live a comparatively lonely life. No bird is so solitary as the eagle. Eagles never fly in flocks; one, or at most two, ever being seen at once. But the life that is lived unto God, however it forfeits human companionship, knows divine fellowship; and as the Master said, “The Father hath not left me alone,” so. the child of God can say, “I am alone, yet not alone; for the Father is with me.” Whosoever will promptly follow whatever light God gives, without regard to human opinion, custom, tradition, or approbation, will learn the deep meaning of these words: “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord.”— George Muller. Special Clearance Sale In taking over the Young Correspondence Courses the Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles acquired a number of these courses as formerly issued in book form (cloth bound). Inasmuch as the courses will hereafter be printed in loose-leaf form we are disposing of these valuable books at greatly reduced prices. A saving of from 25 cents to one dollar can now be made. There being a limited number only, we advise that you place your order immediately. Remittance must accompany order. THE BCCKf S 1 .CC PEE VCLIIME PGJTPAJD 1. B IB L E OU T L IN E us before the universe and call us breth­ ren in the sight of all earth and heaven. Oh, how this dignifies the humblest saint of God! How little we need mind the misunderstandings of the world if He is not ashamed to call us brethren! So let us go out today to represent His royal family.— Dr. Simpson. — o — November 14—“ That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings” (Phil. 3:10).

4. N EW T E S TAM E N T H ISTO R Y T his stu d y c o n ta in s fo u r p a rts a s follow s; I. P re p a ra tio n fo r C h rist’s Com ing (c o n ta in in g h e lp ­ ful stu d y on th e 400 sile n t y e ars.) II. The B ooks o f th e New T estam en t. III. T he M inistry of C hrist. IV. The C hurch of th e New T estam en t. T his book does fo r th e New T estam en t w h a t th e p re ­ vious book does fo r th e Old. 5. CHU RCH E P IS T L E S R om ans, 2 volum es; E p h esian s, 1 volum e; T h essalo - nians, 1 volume. In th ese books we find th e in stru c tio n n e ce ssa ry for th e harm o n io u s C h ristia n life, in th e home, in public affa irs and in th e church. D efinite lite ra tu re fo r th is age of grace.

An in tro d u c to ry stu d y to th e Bible, g iv in g one a good g e n e ra l know ledge of th e books of th e Bible, P eriods of Old and New T estam en t H isto ry , In stitu tio n s of th e Bible, etc. 2. B IB L E G E OG RA PHY J u s t th e book fo r th e busy person. C ontains Old and New T estam en t geo g rap h y , sh ow in g th e jo u rn ey s of th e P a tria rc h s , th e Isra e lite s, Je su s a n d th e A postles. Sev­ e ral splendid o u tlin e m aps in th e book. 3. OLD T E S TAM E N T H ISTO R Y G ives th e h isto ry of th e E a rly P eople; th e Saved P eo ­ ple; th e Chosen F am ily ; th e C hosen N ation; th e Chosen K ingdom and th e S c a tte re d N ation. C ontains outlines, m aps and illu stra tio n s, m ak in g th e m a te ria l m ost plain.

A TEST IMONY “I have made a careful examination of the books in the Bible Study course prepared by Dr. E. S. Young and am convinced that no series of books has ever been produced which gives a more comprehensive, sim­ ple and logical study o f the Word of God.” Order from CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL EIEEE INTTITPTE CE LOT ANGELET $ 1 . 0 0 536 S ou th Hope S treet, Los Angeles, California $ 1 . 0 0

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