King's Business - 1929-11

Think what it would mean to have a talk every week w ith such experts as these in lesson-study and lesson-teaching! You can easily have it, in th a t deeply sp iritual, tho rough and practical help th ey give to teachers and adu lt Bible studen ts in The Sunday School Times. The Lesson as a Whole

Your Class of Boys Your challenge, and sometimes almost your des­ pair ! Let Wade Smith work with you on the problem. Follow his “Say, Fellows—•” talk on the lesson and try his hints! The Little Jetts You must see them in each week’s issue of the Times to appreciate how the quaint little figures, creations of a real genius, hold the interest of young and old in lesson-teaching. Do You Teach in the Primary? Then let Mrs. Eleanor B. Hatton work with you in making the Bible real to the children. She has the mother-touch, and doesn’t teach over the chil­ dren’s heads. The Lesson Cartoon Yes, an unforgettable picturing of lesson truth by Dr. E. J. Pace, once a Chicago newspaper car­ toonist, then missionary in the Philippines, now using his rare genius in this unique ministry. The Lesson Poem Dr. Amos R. Wells, the versatile editor and writer, gives each week a poem on the lesson. Always a fresh surprise and blessing. From the Platform Philip E. Howard, President of The Sunday School Times Co., shows superintendents how to say the needed word, after lesson-study. Simple blackboard hints are given, and a Prayer Before the Lesson.

The Rev. J. Russell Howden, of England, ex­ plains the lesson verse by verse, and gives a Les­ son Outline, Golden Topics, and Practical Aim. Questions for Teacher and Class A group of questions to set you thinking and hunting—and your class too—with answers in the next issue. Illustration Round-Table From all over the world, readers of the Times send anecdotes to illustrate the lesson. Out of the hundreds received, a half-dozen are selected each week. Do You “Get the Lesson Across” ? Not always! But Dr. Charles Calvert Ellis, Pro­ fessor of Education in Juniata College, a teacher of teachers, gives you each week a foundation teaching principle, showing how to “get the les­ son across.” Do You Teach Grown-Ups? Then you’d be captivated, stimulated, by the Busy Men’s Corner —really everybody’s corner—in which William H. Ridgway, Iron Master of Coatesville, in the language of every day, keenly interprets the lesson. Your Class of Girls Isn’t your problem how to get the lesson into their thinking and doing? Mrs. S. H. Askew knows girls, and she knows how to help teachers of girls.




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