St Catherine's School Magnolia Magazine 2024



To our many new beginnings

Our school’s purpose is to develop young women of character and intellect dedicated to making a meaningful contribution to the world, and our alumni at St Catherine’s are an important part of this mission.

It has been exciting to welcome many Old Girls back to campus to share their stories. They inspire our current students with their passion and drive as they journey through the complexities of balancing their careers with relationships and family. The highlight of the year has been the Jane Barker Luncheon where those who have graduated 50 years ago or more gather to share memories with current students and each other. Favourite teachers are remembered as are the Boarding House pranks and early morning cold swims. The conversations flowed easily and the bond of friendships shone brightly. This year, we shared the Indigenous Scholarship program with our alumni, who are very supportive of the initiative. This program, coupled with the Faith Patterson Scholarship, provide opportunities for girls to attend St Catherine’s who otherwise may not have been able to. Following this event, the Old Girls’ Union donated a handsome sum to the Faith Patterson Scholarship. Our Foundation Day celebration was held on 4 March with a special assembly held for all students from Kindy through to Year 12. Our speakers were from a third generation family who shared their journey over six decades of connection with the school. Mrs Charne Hamer (STC1965), showed photos and spoke of life at school in the 1950s and 1960s after her father helped build part of the school. Her daughter, Mrs Brooke Copland (Hickman, STC1994), followed with stories about her time at St Catherine’s as she introduced her

daughter, Stella C, who is in Year 8. We are proud to have multi-generational families connected to St Catherine’s. The Old Girls presence at the Magnolia Fair was much appreciated. This event helps bond our community, and the involvement of our alumni is cherished by all who attend. Their delicious Devonshire tea and scones were served in the Magnolia Room, which became a popular place to relax and shelter from the rainy weather. It was wonderful to have their support and contribution for this community event. This year, we held an inspiring careers night where over 15 Old Girls came to talk to students about their careers in business and finance, health and medicine, STEM design, media, international studies and the arts. Parents and their daughters learned of new possibilities and career paths and the skills required to succeed. The evening was an excellent networking opportunity and we thank the alumni who came to share the event with our older students. We are thankful for those who have gone before us at St Catherine’s. As the oldest Anglican girls’ school in Australia, we are blessed with a rich history of graduates and their families. We are keen to connect with Old Girls and past parents to continue building our community. The relationships we share should be preserved and celebrated as we move forward. As we build on our past parent communications and activities, we hope you will join us for some upcoming events.

Mrs Judith Poole Headmistress

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