January 2024 E-Newsletter

Don’t miss out on a great experience competing against other country clubs and playing a variety of local courses. If you are 50 or older and retired from at least one occupation, you are eligible to join the league. ANCC fields two separate teams which are very competitive in league play -- one at Arlington and one at Fairfax. Both teams are always looking for new players. During the season the Arlington team will play 12 other teams both home and away for a 24-match season. The Fairfax team will play 10 other teams both home and away for a 20-match season. The League’s season runs from early April through early October. Play is on Thursday mornings and is four-ball match play with a 3-point Nassau, combined with a sweepstakes competition. We use handicaps in all matches and our team members have handicap indexes ranging from the single digits through the mid-thirties. As a team member, you will be assigned to play in at least a third of our matches during the season and may volunteer to play any matches to which you are not assigned. The home club provides practice balls and waives green fees. The home club also provides morning pastries, coffee, and a buffet lunch afterwards. The 2024 Army-Navy teams will be put together within the next few months and eligible ANCC members can sign up for either team. Visit the teams ’web pages on the ANCC website for signup instructions. Signups are open from now until 31 January 2024 for the Arlington Team and until 1 March 2024 for the Fairfax Team. The pages for the two teams can be found on the ANCC web site under Golf, ANCC Golf Organizations & Teams, Men’s Groups. For more informa- tion, visit the teams’ web pages. Sign up as soon as possible! Arlington Team Captains Mike Downs (703) 317-1822 mpdx2@hotmail.com Frank Kyle (703) 405-4703 frankakyle@msn.com Mike Jaggard (703) 577-9066 68blackhorse@gmail.com Fairfax Team Captains Mike Golembieski (703) 855-7580 mpgolem@cox.net Dennis Bruns (703) 534-7913 dennis.r.bruns@verizon.net Tom Berg (703) 319-9301 bergiceman@hotmail.com 2024 Northern Virginia Retired Men’s Golf Associated (NVRMGA)

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