The Lakes South Morang College Newsletter PRINCIPAL REPORT
We have experienced some canteen maintenance issues on the secondary campus. As a result, the canteen has been out of action for secondary students. I would like to apologise to students and families for the service interruption. We are working with our plumbers to resolve the issue as quick as possible. Ordering on primary has continued as normal and limited services have resumed on Secondary. 2023 Booklists, college levies, subject selections and supporting information have being emailed out to families this week. Families need to arrange to purchase the items specific to their child ’ s year level. College levies are non - compulsory but greatly assist in supporting the delivery of curriculum programs. Please note that Secondary subjects classified as electives for example: “ Climbing Everest ” have an additional “ user pay ” levy due to certain activity requirements or cost of consumables. There are also numerous fee - free elective alternatives available to families. Please contact the general office with any concerns or questions. The college is available to support families and their respective needs at all times. Last week we completed our School Review. Students, Parents/Carers, Teachers and Administration staff were asked for feedback on the school operations and our performance. Examples of areas that were reviewed include
Classroom observations
Academic rigour
Assessment & Reporting to parents/carers
Focus group findings from students, staff and parents/carers
School highlights and challenges
School performance
Community perception and connections
Transition points.
Thank you for your honest feedback through this process. It has been appreciated by the entire panel. The college will spend some time reviewing the information and providing feedback to the Executive Teams from both campuses. I will have the final recommendations and a draft outline of our next Strategic Plan, including goals and Key Improvement Strategies for your review before the end of 2022. The data and evidence collected and discussed by the panel will lead to the development of our next School Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026. This is an exciting prospect for our college and our community as we strive to be the school of choice in our municipality. Finally, I wanted to make a huge shout out to ALL the Year 12 teachers who have been extraordinary this year! They have worked extra hard to develop and deliver their respective subjects with precision and in such a calm and low - key manner. You have been an inspiration to our students but also to us! Thank you and I am sure that the results will justify your endeavours and commitment demonstrated in spades! I look forward to celebrating their school journey at our Year 12 Graduation @ Emerald Receptions on November 17 together with their families, current and previous staff,
Have a lovely weekend!
Bill . Acting College Principal.
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