W --------------------------------------------------------— --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T * OURS IN THE FIELD ï H UNDREDS o f readers o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness will be pleased to see the accompanying picture, made o f our group o f missionaries at Kijabe, British East A frica, in April o f the present year—the only time all of them have been together. friends in Los Angeles, who expect him here soon, he will be fully restored. The persons in the picture, reading from left to right, are: Front row—Mrs. Tom Han- nay, Mrs. C. T. Youngken, Mrs. Dr. Allen, Mrs. A. Anderson. Second row—Miss
Mr. Hurlburt tand his daughter are now here on furlough, and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Youngken are visiting Mrs. Youngken’s parents in Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Youngken has been in failing health, but it is hoped that after a protracted visit with his
Flora Pierson, Miss Alta Hurlburt, Miss Betty Pierson, Miss Pauline Fraas. f Back row—J. P. Soderberg, C. T. Youngken, H. Herdman, Charles E. Hurlburt (direc tor), A. Anderson, Dr. Kenneth A. Allen.
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