gONGSforSEßVICE RIGHT NOW! Begin preparations for big things in the music end for the coming season. Have you investigated SONGS FOR SERVICE a" d •dite? -by HOMER A. RODEHEAVER and CHARLES H. GABRIEL. The songbook that is used ex* dusively In the great “ BILLY" SUNDAY campaigns. “ Songs for Service” will be found admirably adapted for every form of religious worship—for the regular church service, for (he devotional meeting, for the Sunday school, for the young people'» • • ® “ hng, f«r the primary department and, pre-eniinenlly, for the revivaL The evangelistic spirit is decidedly prevalent throughout all of its well rounded out departments and the live, up-to-date church will keep the revival spirit going all the year ’round with the aid o f these inspiring songs. Get a - copy of “ Songs for Service” at once for examination; get ac quainted with its great songs; get it into your church and gel your singing lid lit - *n kttVA it trr% going as you woul i like to have it go. PRICES Cloth, $25.00; limp, $18.00; manila, $15.00 per hundred, not prepaid. Single copies, cloth, 35c; limp, 25c; manila, 20c postpaid. Any quantity at the 100 rate. Orchestration: $1.50 per volume* six or more, $1.25 per volume, entire set of 12 volumes for 15 instruments, $14.00.
WAKEN UP YOUR CHOIR In the September Number o f The Gospel Choir will be started a great series of articles and ex ercises on voice training—-just the thing to stimu late more interest in your choir work than any thing that hasbeenproducedin years. Theentire series has been worked out so that the exercises may be rehearsed at the regular weekly rehearsal under the direction of the choir leader and will be of immense benefit to all choirs that are not made up of trained singers. If you are not acquainted with THE GOSPEL CHOIR send for sample copy containing intro duction, to this great series. State how many you have in your choir and we will send you. a supply for FREE TRIAL. GOSPEL SOLOS AND DUETS We’havejust issued a newThematic Catalogue of our popular 10c OCTAVO SOLOS AND DUETS. s These are immensely popular with evangelistic singers and are very useful in every kind of religious service. Many new titles have been added since issuing our last list and you will be very inuch interested in this new 48rpage bro chure which is yours for the asking.
THE RECHARGED LIVE WIRE 15c percopy, postpaid; $10per 100, not prepaid Do you want a real,live songbookfor your'tem perance rallies, a book that contains more real, effective hits than any other similar collection, a compilation of Prohibition songs that will waken up audiences to the highest pitch of enthusiasm!* Well, hereit is. Contains all of the great pieces that are being used so effectively in the ,fBilly” Sunday cam paigns and many new hits that will clinch the arguments of your temperance speakers. An exceedingly useful department contains many old, familiar tunes to which have been set Prohibition words by the best writers. MALE CHOIRS—HERE YOU ARE The best little book of sacred and secular se lections for male voices that has as yet appeared. Just off the press. RODEHEAVER COLLECTION FOR MALE VOICES Four departments—sacred selections, secular selections, plantation song and special selections. 160 pages, cloth-bound. 50c thecopy, 4 for $1.75. Send for copy for free 15-day examination. You’ll find this book to be the greatest value that you have ever looked at.
You Get the Best in Gospel Music When You Get It from Rodeheaver THE RODEHEAVER COMPANY 1019 Motion Building, CH ICAGO 6 19 Commercial Building, PHILADELPHIA I
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