King's Business - 1916-12



victorious and everlasting reign o f the righteous with Christ. It believes the gos­ pel is the power o f God unto the salvation o f men. Therefore, men should preach the gospel, and only the gospel, which is the blood atonement o f Jesus Christ. It believes the Holy Ghost is in the world as the leader and comforter o f the Church, and, that the Church is in thé world as Christ’s missionary to present the plan o f salvation to all. These essential things are held by all true, orthodox Christians. These are common grounds upon which we stand. If there are minor differences we are not interested in magnifying them, objecting to them, or mentioning them if they do not interfere with the peace, harmony and progress o f the work o f evangelizing this country. W e are' confronted with a very stubborn force which is diametrically opposed to all .the things for which we stand. The world with its Godless, Bibleless, prayerless, Sab­ bathless, blasphemous program is making its direct attack upon these great, funda­ mental doctrines, and upon Christians who believe them. The world is coming to us in the guise o f angels o f light, through the soft teachings o f false leaders and false teachers—heretics in cap and gown—and is trying to deceive us and draw us away into a social service program which leaves the blood of Jesus Christ entirely out as the essential power for the salvation o f the world. Worldliness, pride ,' dissipation, sham, luxury, licentiousness, idolatry and heresy constitute the buoyant family now trying to make a spectacular entrance into the Church. These nefarious agents o f the devil must be kept out o f the Church. They must be watched. Their program, policy, doctrine and methods must be exposed, denounced and destroyed. First-. Let us admit, assume and pro­ ceed on the assumption that evangelical, evangelistic, orthodox Christianity stands on the firm, essential, infallible, fundamen­ tal doctrines. Second: Let us call a convention o f representatives o f all the grand divisions

They shall not change the doctrines. They ought not to place themselves in the posi­ tion o f being traitors—Judas Iscariots. If they are rank Unitarians, Or believe in the' Unitarian doctrines, they ought to have enough common decency and honesty to leave the Church. There is no place in the Presbyterian Church for traitors or -heretics. j I f there are other evangelical denomina­ tions which have sub-divisions, those ' sub­ divisions ought to be united into one fam­ ily. Thus united into harmonious house­ holds, bearing the respective denomina­ tional names, we would then be confronted with the solid, evangelical forces o f the country divided into grand divisions, hold­ ing the essential, fundamental doctrines of the Bible. These grand divisions should then form what might be known as THE PROTESTANT AMERICAN EVAN- ' GELICAL EVANGELISTIC LEAGUE. The name itself clearly defines what the league is, what its doctrine is, and what its program is. O f course such a league believes the Bible is the W ord o f God, tlie only, infallible rule o f faith and practice. It. believes in the Trinity, the absolute sover­ eignty o f God, the eternal Sonship o f Jesus Christ, the leadership o f the Holy Spirit. It believes in the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ. It knows sin is a fact, man is totally depraved, there is no remission o f sin without the shedding o f blood, and that Jesus Christ gave Himself upon the cross for the redemption o f totally depraved men and women. It believes in 'the virgin birth o f Jesus Christ, the resur­ rection o f .Christ from the tomb, and in the resurrection o f our bodies. It believes in the regeneration o f the soul by the Holy Ghost’s application o f the blood o f Jesus Christ to the lost soul. It believes in the everlasting punishment o f the incorrigibly wicked. It believes heaven is a realty, and, in that glorious home we shall live with Christ forever. It believes the gates o f hell shall not prevail against the Church, which is the body o f Christ. It believes in the second coming o f Christ, and in the

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