o f evangelical Protestants; have said con vention give the world a pronouncement, calling the churches to plain living and high thinking; Christians to the life of humility, prayer and service; the homes to the establishment o f the family altar, the daily reading and studying o f the Bible; and every pulpit to preach the blood atone ment, because the next revival must evolve from and revolve around the Bible as the infallible W ord o f God, fhe vicarious atonement and the deity o f Jesus Christ. These three doctrines, if preached inces santly, will bring the greatest revival any nation has ever experienced. i Third : Urge ministers to recognize the fact, the pulpit' has always been the leader, is now the leader, and therefore the Church’s low spiritual state is .justly chargeable to the pulpit. The priests in the old Biblical days were responsible for the decline o f the Church. The priests in medieval days were responsible for the cor ruptness o f the Church. Priests and min isters must in the present day be held responsible for the decline in faith and doctrine o f the common people. When the pulpit ceases to preach Christ and Him crucified, the people die in their sins. When the pulpit ceases to have the vision the vicarious Christ gives to a regenerated preacher o f the. gospel, the people die. Fourth : Have the convention make a program o f publicity, subsidizing the printed page, the daily papers, the maga zines, the pamphlets and the tracts until every person in America has been' given the gospel in printed form. The daily papers o f the. country should be made to recognize that they are indebted to evan gelical, Protestant Christianity more than to any other one force for their liberty and prosperity. They must recognize that fact and give to the program all the space nec essary to accomplish the purpose. In addi tion, and as a reciprocal act, every pos sible inch o f space that can be bought ought to be bought, paid for and used by evangelical Christians for the preaching of the gospel.
Fifth : All members o f the league should agree to study the Bible every day, to pray incessantly; every Bible teacher and every preacher to preach Christ and Him cruci fied, and only. Christ and Him crucified, for the next five years. Sixth : W e should demand o f our respective denominations that they refuse to contribute to the education o f any candi date for the ministry who does not believe in the infallible Bible, the deity o f Christ'' and the vicarious atonement. Let us call upon all Christians who have money, to refuse to contribute to any school; college or seminary which does not teach the- Bible is the infallible W ord o f God, that the deity o f Christ and the resurrection o f His body are absolutely essential to the salva tion o f the soul. The money o f Christians ought not to go for the buying o f fuel to keep the fires burning under the boiling pot o f heresy into which heretics are put ting the souls o f our unsophisticated chil dren. The time has come to prepare for thè preaching o f the gospel, and the most aggressive campaign ever carried on for the evangelization o f America and the world. The time has come to refuse to recognize or in any way fraternize with the traitors, the blasphemers, the Judas Iscar iots, the heretics, or those who would assassinate Christ. I f one were to reflect upon one’s mother, wife, sister or daugh ter, he no doubt would administer imme diate punishment. H e, certainly would not feel like fraternizing with or recognizing as a brother one who would reflect upon the character o f his mother: or wife. If one would resent an attack upon his pure wife, he has a greater reason to resent the attack being made upon Christ, His deity and His everlasting Sonship, by the infer nal heretics o f the present day. The time , has come for us to resent the attacks being made upon God’s infallible Bible, and upon Jesus Christ, His eternal Son. The man who denies the deity o f Christ, that Christ is very God o f very God, who denies that
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