King's Business - 1916-12



esus Christ arose from the grave, andmunities where there is a multiplicity of who denies that his own body will arise from the dead when Christ comes, perjures himself and is unworthy o f belief or fel­ lowship. Christ is the Son o f God, and His vicarious atonement is the only power that can save from sin. The league should so declare. W e should go forth on this fixed program for the evangelization of America and the world. W e stand upon these doctrines, we believe them. Let us defend the faith once delivered to the saints. W e should stand as an indissoluble band o f God-decreed workers for the sal­ vation o f the world. churches overlapping each other, sapping each other’s vitality and thus preventing any one church from succeeding. Let us agree to evangelize the unevangelized fields and to encourage communities unable to support different churches of the differ­ ent denominations to combine their efforts and support one evangelical Christian church, and thus make it a power in said community.' It is a waste o f money and time for each denomination to plant little, weak, dying churches in communities unable to support them. Let us agree that preachers shall be required to Work inces­ santly and become efficient, thorough, con­ secrated, and zealous in the carrying out o f this evangelistic program. Seventh : Let us agree that our respec­ tive Home Mission Boards shall refuse to pour Home Mission money into small corn-

TENTING BY THE CROSS By REV. CAMPBELL COYLE Pastor Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles

T HE times are full of theories, full o f nostrums, and o f cures, And the times in avalanches are fast yielding to their lures; Men would heaven win with goodness, and the gold of kindly deeds Digged by them in mines o f service, wheresoe’er that service leads; Men would alone restore the temple, fair temple o f the soul That God’s skillful hand hath builded, and presume to make it whole; But conscious o f my ill-desert, my deep-seated sin and dross, I have traveled back to Calv’ry and I’m tenting by the Cross. Beside the Cross I’m tenting, and I feel a Presence there That touches me with rapture, and heals all my pain and care. The crimson stream flows over me, it covers all my sin, And my soul is filled with glory that my soul and Christ are kin; No gold have I o f goodness stored eternal life to buy, And to purchase at such empty price I’ve long since ceased to try.- My hope is built on better ground, for human worth is dross; I have traveled back to Calv’ry, and I’m tenting by the Cross. Beside the Cross I’m tenting, and aye by the Cross I’ll bide, And in the shelter o f my Saviour’s love forevermore shall hide. There no present storm can harm me, and no storm o f time to come, For His dear Presence will protect me, and bring me safely home. He dwells with me on the Mountain,-He whose blessed name isCh rist; And with Him, until He calls me, I will evermore keep tryst. The times may have their nostrums—I count them all but dross; I have traveled back to Calv’ry, and I’m tenting by the Cross.

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