King's Business - 1916-12



lage), doctor, principal o f the school, and leading business men can sell a girl o f twelve years for ten yen, because her par­ ents cannot support her and she may become a charge to the village, and no one but the one local Christian protests, who shall help?” ' China’s Present Need Extracts . from the monthly Prayer Union Letter o f the China Inland Mission deserve prayerful consideration: “ The passing* o f Yuan Shi Kai seems to have brought a temporary peace, but o f necessity it is only temporary. China is watching what the new government will do, and men there are rather criticizing than helping, standing aloof rather than putting their hands to the work o f reor­ ganizing. The time is critical. Please pray for the political stability o f China. Missionaries are writing from many parts that it is wonderful how the Lord has pro­ tected them in the midst o f the fighting which has prevailed. Fear and respect o f foreign powers may have restrained the soldiery from doing violence to mission­ aries or their property, but surely God alone has restrained the robbers and looters from doing more damage than has been done. Let us thank God for this and ask His continuing protection for the workers. “More missionaries are needed in China to take the place o f those who have to retire on account o f age or, illness, or leave temporarily on furlough. Recruits have fallen off the last few years very markedly. The whole mission is locking to North America as the most, likely place from which to expect young men, and present prospects are that very few indeed will be available for next winter’s training in Ankirig. Join with us in prayer at this time for candidates—men and women o f sound body, good Bible training, and not too near the age o f thirty. Many devoted friends

are turned back because they have been long considering the foreign field and apply when it is too late for the mission to con­ sider them. This matter is a very serious difficulty in the work. Please pray for younger candidates, but those who never­ theless are well fitted. “ If "missionaries are not forthcoming from the homelands it may be that God is going to call men and women from China to do Jiis work there. In fact He is appointing many such at the present time. Mr. Ch’eng writing to a friend now in the homeland furnishes an example o f the devotion o f these consecrated men, as he says: ‘I ask you to pray for me that I may be filled with the Holy Spirit daily, and may know at onte when there is any­ thing in my conduct that does not agree with His will. May the power o f my flesh be-decreased day after day so that He can fully carry out His will in me. I am so keen to entirely yield myself to Him at once, but I still find myself very weak in this.’ Kindly remember that Mr. Ch’eng is but one o f many whom God has called in China, and pray for them all. Various schools are training young Chinese men to go out into this work o f evangelizing their own country. Our mission has such schools at various places, as Chengtu, in Szechwan; Hungtun, in Shansi; Nan-- chang, in Kiangsi, and other parts.” Miss Rose French Oliver, o f the Class o f June, 1916, now at Park College, Park- ville, Mo., writes: “ I am enjoying,it here very much. But it by no means compares with the dear Bible Institute. I often long to be back with you all again. I think the Bible Institute is the most wonderful place in all the world, because its purpose and people are the noblest; because it makes one realize what a wonderful Saviour we have. I can never thank God enough that He permitted me to go there just when He did.” ---------- O ----------

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