1082 verse he says, “And the W ord (that is this W ord that was in the beginning and that was with God and was God) became flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory as o f the only begotten o f the Father,) full o f grace and truth.” The Apostle Thomas after the resurrection o f our Lord, fell at the feet o f Jesus and cried to Him, "My Lord and my God” '(J oh n 20:28). The Apostl'e Paul said o f Him that “ In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2 :9 ), and he says o f Him again in Rom. 9:5 that He “ is over all, God blessed forever.” The Apostle Peter in Acts 10:36 says o f Him, “He is Lord o f all.” The author o f the epistle to the Hebrews said o f Him, “ He is the effulgence o f His (God’s) glory, and the very image (or “ exact expression” ) o f His (God’s) substance,” and that He upholds all things by the W ord o f His power (Heb. 1:3). And Paul, in Phil. 2:6, says that before He became man He existed originally “ in the form of God.” I f the Bible makes anything as plain as day it makes it plain as day that our Lord Jesus is a Divine being with all the attri butes, glory, majesty, and power that belong to God. / He is God. Well then might the prophet Isaiah in his inspired vision o f the coming o f Jesús, cry, “ His name shall be called Wonderful.” If Jesus was not “very God o f very God,” then John was mistaken, and Paul was mis taken, and Jesus Himself was mistaken, and only that denomination that has never been noted for its prayerfulness, its spirit uality, its devotion, its self-sacrifice, its missionary enterprise;' that denomination which has only a history o f building churches to see them die; that denomina tion alone is right, and John, Peter, Paul, and Jesus are wrong. Do you believe that? Can you believe that?. No, a thousand times n o .. No man who is thoroughly sane in his' head and thoroughly honest in his heart can believe that. Jesus then is a Divine being. He/is wonderful, most won derful, wonderful beyond description, won derful beyond conception. The wonderful
ness o f His being and nature will be the object o f our glad and adoring contempla tion and the theme o f our highest praises throughout the endless aeons that are to come, throughout eternity. 2. But there is another wonderful thing about the nature o f Jesus. While He is Divine He is at the same time a real man. “ In the beginning was the Word, and the W ord was with God, and the W ord was God.” But “the W ord became flesh and dwelt among us.” He was “the only begot ten Son of God,” but He is at the same time the Son o f man. He is, Paul tells us in 1 Tim. 2:5, the “mediator between God and men, Himself man, Christ Jesus.” Do you ask how are the perfect Deity and the perfect humanity united in Jesus? I do not know, neither do I know how spirit and body are united in myself, but I know that they are. I do not know how the Divine nature that I received in the new birth is united with the physical and intel lectual and moral nature that I received by my natural birth, but I know that it is, and so also I know that Jesus is perfectly Divine and perfectly human. Well might the prophet say then, “ His name shall be called Wonderful.” II. Jesus Is Wonderful in His Character. But while Jesus is wonderful, in His nature, in His Divine glory, and perfect humanity, He is not wonderful in His nature alone; He is wonderful in His char acter. His character was absolutely per fect. He was absolutely without blemish and without spot. He was not only fault less, but every possible perfection o f char acter rested upon Him. There is ; not a perfection o f character o f which we can think that is not to be found in Him, and found in Him in its fullness. As the years go by and we study Him more and more carefully and come to see Him as He was and is more fully, the more the absolute perfection o f His character stands forth. For thirty-four years He lived in a hos tile world that sought to find some imper fection in Him, but they Could find none. For eighteen centuries since-infidels have
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