King's Business - 1916-12



his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity o f us all” (Isa. 53:6). Every sin o f ours was settled by the death o f Jesus upon the cross. “ Christ hath redeemed us from the curse o f the law, having become a curse for u s: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth upon a tree” (Gal. 3:13). The death of Christ so perfectly atones for sin that the moment I believe in Jesus Christ and thus accept the atonement He has made for me, every sin o f mine is blotted out from God’s account and God reckons me as perfectly righteous in Him. “ Him who knew no sin He made to be sin in our behalf; that we might become the righteousness o f God in Him” (2, Cor. 5:21). Is not this won­ derful ? Is it not amazing, that the vilest sinner there is in Los Angeles, or any­ where else on this earth, the liar, the thief, the blasphemer, the murderer, the harlot can come into this place tonight all crimson with the sins they have committed, and yet the death o f Christ so perfectly atones for them all that the moment they accept that atonement all their sins are blotted out and they become as white as snow? Oh, when the sins that I have committed come up before me, and they have been great, (the sins o f every one here tonight have been great) when they come up I look away at the cross and I see Jesus hanging there, I hear His dying cry, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” and I hear His other, cry, “ It is finished.” I can see the Roman soldier draw back his spear, vand I see it go crashing into that side. I see the life blood pouring out, and I know that all my sins are atoned for. I know that “Jesus paid my debt, All the debt I owe. Sin'had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.” Oh, it is wonderful. The sin o f the whole race atoned for at Calvary, and all that any man has to do is to accept it. 2. But Jesus not only made an atone­ ment for sin, He also saves from sin’s power. Jesus Christ has power to set any

man who will put His trust in Him, free from any sin, and the power o f all sin. He Himself said, “ If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8 :36). Is it not wonderful that there is not a man on earth today so completely in sin’s power but that Jesus Christ can set Him free? One night many years ago I met a man who had been a wanderer on the face o f the earth for many years, but had come o f a good family, had been well edu­ cated, had moved in good society, but who had turned his back on all this and had given himself up to a life o f sin, and now at the age o f perhaps forty-five years he was completely in sih’s power. He was a large, powerful man, but he approached me with much hesitation and whispered in my ear the question, “Do you think Jesus Christ can save me?” I replied, “ I know He can.” Then I sat down and reasoned with Him out o f the Scriptures and he listened and believed and was saved. For years he was a happy Christian and enslav­ ing sins were things o f the past. Tonight he is with Christ in the glory. That is but one case out o f thousands and tens o f thou­ sands. I have known many, many such personally. I have seen Jesus Christ«set men free from sin in pretty much every state in the union. I have seen Him do it in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Tas­ mania, China, Japan, and India. There are right in this audience tonight many men and women whom Jesus has set free from an awful slavery that once held them cap­ tive. Indeed Jesus completely transforms man. The man who was once a blasphemer now prays. The man who once loved the vile book now loves the Bible. The man who once told -questionable stories now sings hymns o f praise. The men and women who once gave themselves over to sin are now working for their fellowmen. “ If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). Oh, the work o f Jesus is wonderful indeed, transforming demons into angels. One

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