Sunday night I heard a man who a few years before was a ruffian, a drunken, pro fane, cruel |brute, speaking to the best people o f one o f our eastern cities with great tenderness and pleading that they too accept the same Jesus who had so wonderfully transformed his life and that o f his wife. Jesus is indeed wonderful in His work. 3. But Jesus will do even more wonder ful things in the future. When He comes again He will raise the dead with His voice, and we shall be caught up with them to meet Him in the air. He will trans form us into His own perfect likeness. This old weak, sickly, pain-racked body will be changed into the likeness o f His own glorious body, free from every ache and pain, free from every weakness, free from every limitation, resplendent with a beauty never seen on earth, capable o f un limited activity. And He will transform us morally so that in our inmost character we shall be made just like Him. He will T a revival o f home religion. As is the home, so the community and the church. This is conceded by all those who are in the forefront as leaders in Christian endeavor. Prominent ministers and lay men all over our country are ready to co-operate in some plan that will bring about a change o f conditions in the hotne- life o f this church. This conviction became so pronounced a few years ago in the hearts o f a few men keenly interested in the welfare o f the church that the Family Altar League was organized and the growth o f the movement since has been nothing less than wonderful. God has set His seal o f approval upon it. During the past seven years 300,000 covenant cards have been distributed, over 60,000 homes have affiliated with the movement, and it is estimated that more than 250,000 lives have been influenced for good. A monthly magazine has been published containing
bring us fully into our glorious inheritence as heirs o f God and joint heirs with Him self, heirs o f all God is and ajl God has, heirs o f His wisdom, His power, His holi ness. Oh, it is wonderful! Conclusion. Jesus is indeed wonderful. He is wonderful in the infinite glory o f His Divine nature. He is wonderful in the matchless perfection o f His character. He is wonderful in His work, blotting out all sin by His death, delivering from all sin by His resurrection life, transforming us from all remaining imperfection into the full glory o f sons o f God by His coming again. Jesus is the Wonderful One. Now what will you do with Him? What will you do with this wonderful Jesus? Will you accept Him or reject Him? Oh, the wisdom and the blessedness o f those who accept Him. Oh, the folly and wretched ness o f those who reject Him. Oh, the folly and wretchedness o f those wh6 reject Him. What will you do tonight with this wonderful Jesus? daily readings with comments and helpful suggestions for the home life. Cards and literature may be obtained without cost. Dr. W . E. Biederwolf, the founder, is raising an endowment fund o f $100,000, o f which $40,000 has been subscribed. The League has grown rapidly and Rev. R. Howard Taylor, general secretary, is in charge o f the headquarters, 508 Lakeside Building, Chicago. Plans have been adopted for a country-wide campaign, and the General Secretary will be glad to assist pastors in introducing the movement in their churches, and will send full informa tion upon request. The following well- known men are among the directors; Dr. John Timothy Stone, Dr. Francis E. Clark, Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, Rev. W . E. Biederwolf, Bishop Charles B. Mitchell, Marion Lawrence, J. Campbell White, Henry P. Crowell, Dr. James M. Gray, Judge McKenzie Cleland, Dr. Chas. S. Macfarland and E. O. Excell.
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