'T'TTE fall term o f the Institute is pro- gressing splendidly, with an enrollment o f 215 students thus far, and others enter ing. The sessions are marked by an enthu siastic interest, that indicates a deep earn estness on The part o f every student. Warren F. Pike, who spent the summer in the East, in the interest o f the Bible Institute, making his headquarters in Philadelphia, returned the second week in October. His labors show in the presence o f a number o f students from the East during the present term. Dr. .R. A. Torfey, dean o f the Institute, returned at the close o f October, after having spent four months in preaching and .delivering Bible lectures throughout the country. His itinerary included Chicago, New York, the Montrose Conference at Montrose, Pa. The month o f October was spent at the Baptist Tabernacle, Chatta nooga, Tenn., where he preached daily to throngs o f eager listeners. Dr. William Evans, associate dean, lec tured at the Winona Conference, preached for Paul Rader in Chicago and lectured at different points in the Northwest, during the vacation period. H e returned the middle o f September and occupied Dr. Torrey’s pul pit in the Church o f the Open Door during October. During the third week in October he delivered daily Bible lectures before the Presbyterian Synod o f California, in ses sion at Berkeley. The Bible Institute has inaugurated a Fellowship Association, for the enlarge ment o f its praying constituency. Any per son may become a member by the payment o f an annual fee o f $5, and will also receive T he K ing ’ s B usiness each month. The fund thus created is known as the “ Fellowship Fund,” and is for the sus tenance o f the evangelistic work o f the Institute.
The last monthly meeting o f the faculty, department heads, and workers o f the Institute, was attended by about 100 o f those active in the affairs o f the institu tion. Around the luncheon table, most encouraging reports were made from many branches o f the work, showing an aggres sive, successful activity in the business of the King. Henry George Greenewald, one o f the Institute Family as manager o f the men’s hotel, took unto himself a wife in the per son o f Miss Ruth Amelia Gravett, on Sep tember 14. The bride, who has been pleasantly received by “ The Family,” is a daughter o f Rev. and Mrs. Joshua Gravett o f Denver, Colo. The Fishermen’s Club and the Lyceum Club—the former composed o f young men and the latter o f young women—continue to be vital spiritual elements in the life of the Institute. They include about 300 young men and women. The October joint-meeting was marked by deep spirit uality and joyous results. The male members o f the Church o f the Open Door, o f which Dr. Torrey is pastor and Supt. Horton associate .pastor, have organized themselves for more aggressive and systematic work, under the name o f “ The Associated Men.” Dr. H. S. Keyes is president; Harry Hampton, vice-presi dent; William Mitchell, secretary; Dr. L. F. Haseltine, treasurer. The many friends o f Rev. and M rs..W il liam H. Hall, both o f whom were students in the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles in 1914-15, will regret to learn o f the death of. Mrs. Hall on September 9. She died at La Verne, Oklahoma, where her husband is pastor o f the Methodist church, leaving an infant daughter. The deceased was daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Overstreet o f Cherokee, Oklahoma, and was greatly beloved by all who knew her.
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