“ Mr. Chao stayed with us on Sunday and took all the services. He was most helpful. W e all enjoyed his visit very much.” “ Shih Tsuan is doing well and I am going to recommend him to he put on the Special Fund’s Account. There is quite an interest now in his village. His mother and brother have been here.” “I am thankful for all you have done for Wen Hsin and for his good record. I am planning to have him do Bible teaching among the Christians and inquirers.” “W e are very grateful for all the help the students have received. Fu Chen Hsing especially is proving a valuably worker. If he goes on with God he will be a great help to us, for he is developing marked ability as a preacher. All his addresses so far have been scriptural and lucid and. pointed, and the Lord has already used him not a little.” The student last mentioned wrote in December: „ “I have been holding a mission in the Lutheran church at Tong Peh, at which the Holy Spirit was manifestly present and several persons were brought under deep conviction. There was one o f the lecturers o f the Republican party, an educated man, but an atheist, who, moved by the Spirit, knelt down and confessed his sins with tears, and made public con fession o f his acceptance o f Christ as his Saviour.” The Secretary o f the Honan Provincial Conference o f China Inland Mission mis sionaries wrote: “I very gladly obey the instructions o f the Honan Conference in writing to express our deep appreciation o f the valuable'help afforded to the Province in the training o f some o f our fellow- workers in the Hungtung Bible Institute. I may say that our own three brethren here are entering gladly into their work and are proving real channels o f strength to us.” - W e truly praise God for these indica tions that our labor is riot in vain in the Lord, and we would share them with you who by your prayers, your gifts and your sympathetic interest, have been fellow helpers with us. To God be all the glory! W e praise God also for His goodness in
other directions which we can only just mention: that our new Bible Institute premises are practically finished and occu- 'pied, and that we find them satisfactory; that a church bell has been given us to call the people to worship; that two Bible women and six evangelists have been wholly, and two others partly, supported by special funds; that four needy children have been helped to get an education; that ten students have been supported in the Bible Institute; that our mission room (which we call Street Chapel) is wholly paid for; that a goodly number o f tracts, Christian calendars, Bibles and portions have been given away; and last, but not least, that God is answering our prayers for funds for new intermediate school buildings, a gentleman who ■formerly was stationed in this city having promised to supply the, same. ----- o------ A Deserved Rest This picture o f Rev. Charles A. Hurl- burt was made in Los. Angeles in October o f the present year, after he had been in his native land on furlough but a couple months. The contrast between this one and the picture o f him in the group, made in Africa but six months prior, is so strik ing that it is difficult to recognize him as
the same man. It shows how wearing the work is in Africa and how rapidly one recuperates upon treading his native soil, breathing his native ozone, enjoying his loved ones at home and feasting upon the advanced civilization all around.
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