King's Business - 1916-12



thians cc. 1, 2) and was convinced that nothing but the power o f God could remedy such condition; indeed, that the gospel was the only force to that end. Trite, the powers o f nature also are God’s forces, but to other ends; the gospel is the only power unto salvation; through it alone does God work for the redemption o f men. Paul’s definition of the gospel. It is not the mere presentation o f an ideal or the enunciation o f an ethic, but a power, the power that enables man to live the life and character o f God. .Ideals and ethics may be possessed, and yet man may be powerless to realize them. The gospel is the announcement that God has provided a righteousness for unrighteous men, a righteousness to be received by faith in the atoning death o f Jesus Christ, God’s Son. This is the gospel to produce fruit, the gospel that has done so in other lands, that will do so (and as we know did do) in Rome, that is doing so today, and will con­ tinue to do so throughout the ages to come. .It is the power and the wisdom o f God, compared with which all schemes o f men are weak and foolish (cf. 1 Corinthians cc. 1 and 2). Is this the gospel we are preach­ ing today ?

Jew; a religion with no elaborate priest­ hood or gorgeous temples, the adherents of which consisted mostly o f the poor and ignorant; a gospel which Greeks, Romans, and Jews alike looked upon as “ foolish­ ness” (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:22-25). It is difficult for us to conceive of such a con­ dition, for 'we look at Christianity after twenty centuries o f triumphal march. Third. Paul was a Jew, and a so-called apostate Jew in the estimation o f other Jews. A Jew was despised by Roman and Greek; an apostate Jew was despised by his own countrymen. Fourth. His "gospel called for repentance and change o f life, and such a call was not popular in thos.e days o f gross immorality. Are we ashamed today o f the gospel because o f what it is in the eyes o f the world? (1 Corinthians 1:18; 23 ff.). There were reasons why Paul was not ashamed: First. The gospel was a power, and men are usually not ashamed to be allied to great powers or great parties. Here was the greatest o f all powers—“the power o f God unto salvation.” Second. Because o f what the gospel could do. Paul looked at the moral con­ dition o f the world (cf. cc. 1-3; 1 Corin­

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