King's Business - 1916-12


WORK IN THE SHOPS David Cant, Supt.

A SOWER went forth to sow, and some seed fell on good ground,” but, alas! only a fourth. There are so many in these last days who see no beauty in Him that they should desire Him, yet to us who believe, He is precious, the chief- est among ten thousand the one altogether lovely, in whom are hid all the treasures o f wisdom and knowledge; “Who not alone the gift o f life, but His own self He gave us,” W e have so many strange and bewilder­ ing excuses advanced for rejecting our gracious Saviour: “ Oh, I’m living up to the Golden Rule,” said one, and then sailed -into us and poured out a string o f vile abuse just because we tried to tell him o f a Saviour’s matchless love. “ Oh,” - quotes another, “my case is so peculiar, I pray thee have me excused.” “A Christian? Sure; I’ve always been one. Do I look like a heathen?” And in probing we discover that his only ground is a little water sprinkled on his head as a helpless babe, while every aveniie o f his life speaks utter ignorance o f Jesus as Saviour or Lord. So we find whether it is open rejection, or more polite retreat, or a dull indifference,' or a red hot, frothy debate all on one side— there is no room for Jesus the Crucified. And yet, thank God, amid the crumbling, tottering wreck o f latter day apostasy, there are bright jewels to be found hidden beneath the heaviest debris. “And they shall be Mine in that day, saith the Lord.” Will you who are God’s remembrancers lift your hearts to Him in behalf o f still another victim o f the accursed drink? I have watched the change as he sank lower

and lower for two years, wrecking life, health, home, w ife and children. Nothing but the new birth for this man; any other rope is not long enough. It must be Jesus alone, for the seat o f the trouble is deeply imbedded m a nature which is at enmity against God. W e ran across another o f these poor, dejected wrecks recently. 0 , that we may see in all these, souls for whom Jesus died. The tears rolled down his old dissipated face as we told out the Saviour’s love and compassion. “ Say, nobody ever talked to me like you in all my life. My own boy refused' to even shake hands with me; and yet you tell me God’s Son will wash away all my sin and make me a new man. Yes, by God’s help, I will take him and trust.” W e went into a sad home the other day— the, husband a moral leper. It was a close, stuffy, little place, and the poor delicate wife had a young baby in her arms who had kept her up all the night. There was also a wild, ungovernable boy chasing the streets. W e came along just after a row and such a recital o f wretchedness! We talked with them till the night came on. The little woman followed us to the door: “ Please come again soon. You are the only one he will listen to, and the secret is he knows you love him and never force or drive.” These words made a strong im­ pression on us, and we believe they contain the real secret o f winning souls. May God help us to stand still and let Him work till Christ be formed in hearts for whom He died. . So the sowing goes on beside all waters. In one o f our large open-air meetings a great big son o f toil, who was a believer,

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