THE KING’ S it is plain to see that he now speaks a new tongue, the “ Lowshen Kadesh,” or “holy- language o f Heaven:” “ In the name o f the Lord Jesus Christ I wish to-thank you again for your noble efforts in helping us and teaching us a , gospel which taught and helped us a great deal...............I will drop you a line from time to time telling you o f my conversion for Lord Jesus Christ. . . . I also wish to inform you o f the fact that Mr. S. sent me a book (that Gospel o f Matthew) which you presented him, and the hook is very interesting and I heartily read it and study it- during my leisure time. I also have two friends (very strict' Hebrews) to —-----------O D URING the past summer the meetings held in the Institute tent, at various locations throughout the city, have been characterized by intense interest and many striking incidents. W e praise God for the l way He has honored the work. The first meeting was held at the corner o f Macy and Howard streets, an industrial section, and one o f the toughest districts o f the city. From the beginning there was opposition. The meetings had not been under way long when our lives were threatened by an emissary o f Satan— threatened to that extent that the special officer o f the district was called to disarm the disturber. W e felt a little more at ease after the officer brought over to the tent the big seven-shooter that had been pointed at some of our workers; yet during all the tim e-of persecution we were conscious o f the protecting cafe o f Him who stands by His own. A fter continued prayer, the opposition subsided and interest in the meetings increased. Among the many converted was an Italian, whose wife two years before was gloriously converted, being one o f our regu lar attendants and most consecrated work ers. One evening she came to the tent and requested prayer for her husband, say ing that she could not give him up. Earnest prayer was offered, and the following
BUSINESS 1101 whom I prove the facts o f the coming Messiah and they must admit that my talk is not ‘just talk,’ but plain, simple facts which I proved to. them through the Jewish Bible, and in due time I hope they will open their eyes and realize their slumbers which they have been in. My dear Mr. Vaus, would you kindly send me some hooks if you could spare them, so it could aid me in my good work? From me, your truthfully converted friend.” Will you not pray for these people who are so dear to the heart o f God, that He might incline many o f them to turn Jo Him and be saved? evening he came to the tent and was joy ously converted and is a living witness to the power o f God to save from sin and agnosticism. He is now doing splendid work in a mission near by. Later the tent was located at Forty-sixth street and Moneta avenue, where an inter esting series o f meetings was held. One evening at the close o f the service a Catho lic woman came forward and said, “ I f -you believe in prayer, for God’s sake pray for my boy, who is in the County Hospital with a bullet wound in his leg.” She then told us how she had requested her priest to go, and he had said he would do it for $5. A fter listening to her story we opened the -Word o f God and she accepted the grace and mercy o f Jesus Christ. One of our workers visited the hospital, dealt with her boy and led him to Christ, and since his conversion he in turn, b y the Holy Spirit and with the co-operation o f work ers, has led four others to the Saviour. He is fast recovering from his affliction. W e had another very bright conversion at this place—a young woman saved from a wayward life.. While there were many other conversions, this one was so marked and so pronounced, as evidenced by her changed life, her testimony, her shining countenance, that she is the cause o f general
THE SUMMER TENT CAMPAIGN By S. B. Dexter, Evangelist
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